Reality mocked me and laughed behind my back.

Everything, and I mean everything went by extremely slow. From every step they took, and every turn of their head, they seemed completely... different. It kind of reminds me of those slow motion moments that pop up in movies. You know the ones with blinding lights and the angels singing in the background.

Firsthand experience right here.

I turned my head, seeing Jinhee's mouth slowly turn into an "O", followed by a her eyes widening as if it could pop out of her head at anytime. Then all off the sudden she fell on me.



Once the back doors opened a gush of wind attacked us, reavealing Minhye  with her mouth down to the ground, but before the members could even greet her, her friend from behind instantly fell down on her. All twelve of us ran to their side, as Minhye quickly laid her down on her lap, "Jinhee! Jinhee!"

She shook her shoulders, opened her eyelids, and checked for her pulse.

Her eyes strangely looked up at us, completely calm."I think she's okay." Her airy voice full of relief flew out of her, "It's probably from all the stress." 

All of the members at first hesitantly exchanged glances, but later settled down relieved when she took her friend into a bridal carry, and laid her down on the bench I was sitting in. I pretended to be indifferent and ignored them.

"So are you really EXO the k-pop group?" As soon as her friend was properly set on the bench she turned to look at the boys.

They smiled at her,  "In the flesh." Suho said.

"That means you've worked with groups like Girl's Generation and F(x)?"

"I called it, she doesn't give a flying---"

Chen was subdued by our eldest Minseok, "Watch your mouth--- They're still kids."

Chen pulled away and sulked, while Minhye sat dumbstruck.

"Yah! You troll c'mere.  Haven't heard your foul mouth since---" The giant Chanyeol locked Chen's head into his arms. He was doing it all wrong though. If he had just fixed his form just a bit more the pain would have been greater.

"Who cares, he can say whatever he wants to say!" Tao now came into Chen's defense.

Soon the whole group engaged in a huge argument as Minhye sat in the middle helpless.

Our group was divided about Minhye. Right from the beginning there was a disparity between opinions about getting a new tutor, but it only got larger as more members started to trust her.

I was still fazed by her, but really she did no harm...yet...

I cranked my head phone's volume louder as the boy's little fight got more intense.

I leaned back closing my eyes, but a gentle vanilla aroma caught my senses.

I kept my eyes close, but I knew precisely what the scent was like. It was like a freshly baked tray of cupcakes.

I opened my eyes and looked at the source of the scent.

It was Minhye's friend.

Strange,  I had been planning on making cupcakes for a while now.

Without knowing I was already observing the girl next to me. My fingers fixed the annoying strands of hair that blocked her face.

"Eomma~They're not ready yet. Bake them for 5 more minutes."

I pulled back surprised. What did she say?

I returned to my own world and shook off the girl's presence.

"That's it I'm out!" As soon as I returned to watch the boys all I saw was a heated Minhye. She stormed out of the place carrying her friend solidly.

Well I missed a lot.

(Minhye's POV)

That night I had the same dream that used to haunt me not long ago. It was the time when my mom promised to go to an SNSD concert with me, but when I came back with the tickets she disappeared without a word. Haven't seen her since.

Maybe now I'm remembering this because of the concert yesterday.

My mind went in circles, as I stared at the bacon I was cooking slowly turn into a beautiful brown. Behind me, Jinhee was already causing a commotion trying not to trip over herself while sprinting down the stairs. She was screaming, "I had the strangest dream ever!" Her everything was disheveled, but nonetheless the most important thing for her was to tell me her story.

I looked at her, turning off the stove fire, sitting myself down at the dinner table, with the plate of bacon in my hands. "What is it?"

She looked at me taking a breath, "Okay, we were supposed to be meeting your students, right? I was really mad so in my mind I kept cursing, but then the two doors opened where the two bulky guys stood. Then when it did, EXO showed up. And after that... After that... I don't really remember.... Do you know what happened? Minhye, you really have to help me!"

I ate a piece of bacon, "That's cool... I guess you must really love those guys for you to be dreaming about them."

Jinhee glared at me scoffing, "Minhye! Tell me what happened! I can't remember!"

Seating herself in front of me I gave up, "Fine! Fine! Just relax. I'll tell you." I stood up, put my dish in the sink, then sat back down."Well we were suppose to meet my students, but then they never showed up. You, on the otherhand, just dozed off. I carried you here, and since it's a weekend I told your parents that you were staying over. It'd be a pity to wake you up when you were sound asleep."

She looked at me with puppy dog eyes begging me to tell her the truth.

"Don't tell me you really thought we met EXO?" I teased her.

She then puffed her cheeks out, stomped away with fumes literally steaming out of her.

I sat at the dining table staring into space. I let my arms hang at my sides and let out a deep sigh.

Why am I even doing this? Lying. I didn't want to lie to Jinhee, but it's not time for the truth yet either. She's not ready; nor am I.

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