|Chapter 5 |

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-bad grammar

-swear words *might* appear

-wrong spellings

-missing words


-mention of blood and gore

Palau's eyes glow in amazement as Malaysia finishes his story. "Woooww!!"

"And that's what gonna happen if some spies come to attack you guys!" Mal says happily.

Earning bonk on the head by Indo. "Don't believe in your uncle's lies!" He yells out.

Philip sighs and puts down a tray of food. "Why did you put adult stuff there. Plus I'm a virgin Mal."

The Malaysian smirks and eats of one of the snacks on the tray. Palau go sits right next to Philip.

Mal laughs maniacally while eating the snack his holding. Phil gives a "seriously" face.

"Uncle Mal tell me more stories!" Palau says in excitement. "I'll be glad to!" He replies.

-time skip-

"See ya!" Mal waves his goodbye and leaves. The two other waves goodbye aswell to their friend.

"Papa will uncle Mal come again?" Indo chuckles and puts his hand on Palau's head. "Yes he will."

Palau gives a smile and runs to the tv to watch some cartoons. "I'll make dinner." Phil says.

Indo goes to Palau to watch with him while Phil makes dinner.

"Chi chi! I wanna be like the main character!" Palau tells his father. Indo chuckles and asks.

"What does "chi chi" mean? Where did you learn that?" The child tilts his head and answers.

"It means father! Miss Nekomi taught me!" Palau turns around to continue watching it.


Phil can hear the two countries while cooking. As he continue to cook a phone started to ring.

"I'll get it." Indo says before standing up. "Hello?"


Phil looks at Indo confuse. The Indonesian shook his head and the call ended. "Weird.."

"Chi chi!! Here's the awesome part!!" Palau shouts out. "I'm coming don't worry." He replies.

Phil continues to cook and mumbles to himself. "Who was that?" As he chops the meat.

"Chi chi I'm hungry!!" Indo ruffles Palau's hair to calm him down a bit. "Don't worry it'll be done soon."

Looks like Palau is hungry now. "Wahh!! I'm hungry-!" He says angrily. Indo sighs and stands up.

"Hey Phil is the food almost ready?" He asks. The Filipino didn't reply and also didn't turned around.

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