|Chapter 2 |

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-bad grammar

-swear words

-wrong spellings

-missing words

[A/N:This story is inspired by spyxfamily but don't really consider this as a spyxfamily countryhumans au.]

"Uwahhh.." Palau wakes up to see some of the maids packing his stuff. "Oh master Palau-"

The maids stop packing Palau's stuff. "Maids pls make sure Palau is awake when you pack his stu-"

Indonesia gets cut off by seeing the maids already packing Palau's stuff and seeing his child see his stuff getting packed.

"Papa! Am I getting kick out?!" Palau asks his father worried. "No no..your not Palau." Indo replies.

Indo sits besides Palau to comfort him. The young country tugs on Indo's shirt. "Palau did you forgot were moving in a apartment for awhile."

Palau looks up at his father. "There there." Indo pats the toddler's head. The Indonesian picks up Palau for him to get ready.

"Maids pls do continue I'll handle Palau." Indo says. The maids nods and continues.

After getting Palau ready the two countries went outside to put the stuff in the car. "Papa how long are we gonna be there?"

Nesia didn't hear what Palau said and just continued putting the stuff in the car. "Papa's ignoring me!" Palau says in his mind.

"There we go. All done Palau let's get going." Indo says. Nesia buckles up Palau so he can be safe.

"Jakarta good luck!" The workers wave goodbye to Indo and goes back inside the mansion. "Papa how long is this trip?"

"How long? About 3 hours." Indo answers his child's question.


Indo just chuckles and stops by at a gas station

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Indo just chuckles and stops by at a gas station. "Let's grab some food on the way so you don't get hungry."

"Papa! Me want this!" Palau says pointing at some nachos. "You want those?" Indo asks as Palau nods in response.

The Indonesian grabbed some like about 3 different flavors. "Let's grab some other things aswell."

Indonesia's POV

I was getting some Palau's favorite biscuits so he won't complain. "Papa! I want juice aswell!" Palau says.

"You want juice aswell?" I ask. "Mhm!"
I smile and gets the juice that Palau's pointing at. I also got some water.

"Let's go check out." We arrived at the cashier and the cashier starts scanning the stuff. I didn't really think much about it.

"How much is the total?" I ask. The cashier just ignored what I said and looks at me. "Ummm miss? How much is our stuff?" I ask again.

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