Probably because of that dumb shit she pulled that day, ever since then, I sometimes catch myself having weird paranoid suspicious about them, even though deep down I know better.

"Yo, why you bringing up my bitch for?" I ask. "What you two talk about me behind my back or something?"

"As a matter of fact, yeah, Melody does talk to me about you," Proof says, and I'm starting to see red. Can't fucking help that shit. "She's worried about you. We all fucking are, because you are losing it lately."

"Oh, so you what, provide my goddamn bitch a shoulder to cry on?" I ask as I start to move towards him with my fists balled up, and Proof frowns.

"Slim, I know you ain't about to try to swing at me, cause I'll lay your ass out. Fuck is wrong with you man, I'm your friend. So I know you not implying what I think you are implying right now? Fuck out of here," He asks incredulously, and I immediately feel bad.

Of course, Proof wouldn't fuck my girl, he's my brother.

It's just that I literally suspect everybody in everything now, and it's hard for me to keep up with my own paranoid brain.

Just as I open my mouth to say something to him, Paul and the rest of D12 catch up to us.

"What's going on man?" Paul asks me, looking from me to Proof.

"Nothing," I grumble, starting to move my way past them all, but then they all suddenly surround me.

"What's going on is that he needs rehab," Proof says, and it suddenly hits me that all of them are standing around me literally caging me in.

"What's this, a fucking intervention?" I ask bitterly, giving all of them a dirty look.

"Yeah, it is," Paul suddenly says. "I'm sorry, Marshall, but you do need to go to rehab. And you are going. I've booked you a place already, and you are going to check in there tomorrow."

It becomes obvious to me then that all of them have already decided this shit, long before actually confronting me about it. Long before this botched performance on stage even happened.

"Are you all fucking serious yo?!" I exclaim. They can't force me to do that shit!!

"Listen doody, you going even if I have to drag you in there myself," Proof says.

I get ready to argue back with all of them, but then suddenly feel so overwhelmed with everything that the fight suddenly leaves my body, and I think that maybe I should go, just to make them all shut the fuck up and stop bugging me.

"What about the tour though?" I ask Paul. "I'm not even half way done yet."

"We'll have to cancel your tour, sighting exaustion," he replies.

And just like that, it's done.

The rehab facility Paul signed me up for is a truly miserable fucking place.

But at least it's quiet here, and it's private. Nothing but other celebrities get checked in here, so at least I don't have anybody gawking at me when I leave my room and walk around the hallways.

It's tough though.

After only a couple of days in here, I have to accept that maybe it's true what everybody's been telling me for so long, and I am fucking addicted to the pills.

Because having to stop taking them cold turkey, I feel truly shitty, and it's almost like physical pain.

I know very well that as soon as my time is finished at this damn place and I'm out of here, I'm gonna start using again, because nothing, and I mean NOTHING is worse than this feeling right now, and the only way to fix that is to get medicated again.

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