10 ✽ The King's Task

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In the garden pavilion, Eun-bi was engaged in a game of Janggi. She frowned at the chess pieces before her, wondering what her next move ought to be in order to claim her win.

The problem was, this was the first time she tried playing chess, and it went beyond her understanding. Her mind couldn't seem to fathom around the mechanics of such a game.

How did people develop complicated strategies for this, when all she ever wanted to do was to plough through the enemy's defence line?

Still confused, her legs began shaking restlessly, and she even propped her feet up on the seat while gnawing on her bottom lip. It didn't matter if she was sitting before the King right now. After all, he had already witnessed her unfeminine behaviour countless times and yet remained unperturbed.

In fact, her spontaneous attitude was exactly the reason he chose her to partake in his games.

Seeing her distressed state, his face broadened into a teasing smile. "Do you need my advice?"

He was getting closer to breaking her fortress and eliminating her general. Accepting his help was equivalent to admitting her defeat, and it was far too early for that.

"No!" She held out a palm. "I can do this! Just allow me some time to think. Where is my horse? Can I use it to help my general escape?"

The dignified ruler threw his head back and laughed. "My little daughter-in-law, there are rules to adhere to in this game. You can't make yours as you like. The general must stay within the fortress."

Disappointed, Eun-bi pouted and made a move on the board that she thought little of. "Fine."

The King was a master at chess, but it seemed like he would purposely fall behind in their previous matches, before eventually catching up to her and securing his victory.

Was he trying to prolong the end of the match so that he could annoy the hell out of her? Or was he simply finding a reason to spend more time with her?

When it was her turn again, she pondered her next step. Toying with a chess piece in her hand and flicking it through her fingers. She had long since given up on the rules of this game.

"I love my horses," she concluded. "If I want to keep them safe, I'll have to give up the others. Farewell, my general and soldiers."

The King who was watching her, simply chortled. "To think you would abandon the leader with the highest authority in a game..." he mused. "What happens if there's an ambush when we're both together? Should I be worried about my safety?"

"That...depends on my mood."

"Oh no. How could you?" He clutched at his heart in feigned hurt. "I'm hurt, Crown Princess."

She spun the chess piece between her fingers playfully. "I'm not finished with my words, Your Majesty. I don't abandon my family and you're my father."

Touched by her words, he held his chest again, but this time out of genuine joy. "I surrender. I admit my loss this round."

As she grinned, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if sensing that there was something amiss about her. "Are you alright? You seem rather restless today."

She pressed her hands to her cheeks. "Am I?"

The King scrutinised her expression. "Is my son tiring you out at night?" he asked and leaned forward in curiosity. "Will we soon be expecting a–"

"If you finish that sentence, Your Majesty, I will hurl my shoes in your face."

He sat back and chuckled. "Forgive this nosy old man. Please, take it at your own pace. I understand it's not an easy feat for you to live according to the palace's rules, but I want you to know that I'm thrilled to have you join our family. Ever since your arrival, the days here don't seem as dreary as they were before."

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