7 ✽ My Person

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In the Queen Dowager's absence, Eun-bi could finally breathe comfortably. The tension melted in her shoulders and she slumped on the stone steps, her legs giving out.

She was relieved that she had passed the Queen Dowager's test, but if she were to experience another one again, that would definitely tickle her annoyance.

She wasn't nervous when she met the King in the second round of the Selection. There wasn't a reason for her to be when she didn't have the intention to become the chosen one.

Now, it was different.

She wanted to stand beside Yul as his consort, to support him to the best of her ability, and to achieve that, she needed to work hard.

Senior Court Lady Yi returned sooner than expected with Byeol in tow, wearing a displeased expression. "Your Highness, you're getting dirt everywhere. We've fetched a new dress, so please change into it right away."

Eun-bi grunted and gestured to her wobbly legs. "I would love to, but I think I need to rest. I squatted for too long and my legs are no longer legs. Or am I getting old?!"

Furrowed brows, Senior Court Lady Yi frowned. "Need I remind you I'm more than twice your age, Your Highness?"

Oh no.

"Haha..." Eun-bi laughed it off and avoided the older woman's eyes, knowing that she had unintentionally insulted her. "You look as youthful as always, Senior Court Lady Yi, especially with that energy of yours whenever you harp on at my mistakes."

Fortunately, Senior Court Lady Yi ignored her remark. "Perhaps we can move you to a more comfortable place."

She gestured to Byeol to help Eun-bi up, but not before heavy footsteps approached them. A shadow loomed over their shoulders, immobilising everyone with the icy rage in his voice.

"What happened here?"

The court ladies hurriedly retreated and lowered into deep bows, sneaking nervous glances at Yul's intimidating figure. When he took another step, they froze like statues, clearly afraid.

But to Eun-bi, his appearance was like an oasis in the middle of a scorching desert.

She greeted him with a cheerful grin. "Your Highness, what are you doing here?"

His gaze wandered to her dirtied clothes, his fists clenching tightly by his sides. Seeing the grubby state she was in, he was on the verge of unleashing his anger.

"Who did this to you?"

She bit her bottom lip, knowing how one could easily misunderstand this whole situation. "I—well—the flower bed was ruined, so I helped to clean it up—"

"Was it my grandmother?"

His question stilled everybody, including the court ladies, causing fear running down their spines. Eun-bi knew she was the only one who could assuage the Crown Prince's anger. "This doesn't seem like what it looks like."

"Tell me everything."

Eun-bi gulped before sharing her story; she explained to him how the Queen Dowager wanted to see her in person, including her request of tending to her flower bed.

Although Eun-bi avoided telling him that his grandmother actually disciplined her, Yul somehow worked that out on his own.

A court lady offered a wooden pail of water and a damp cloth. Yul took it and knelt before Eun-bi, gently wiping the dirt off her face and hands.

"Go get changed," he said. "I will have a word with the Queen Dowager."

"Wait, Yul. She didn't mistreat me—"

Forever It's You (It's You Series #2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin