1 ✽ Life in the Palace

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Life in the royal palace was busier than Hwang Eun-bi had imagined it to be.

A couple of months ago, the Selection of the Crown Princess had taken place, which comprised three rounds to screen through all twenty candidates that were specifically chosen by the King himself.

Eun-bi's sister, Yoo-jung, was one of the chosen candidates. Given her beauty, elegance, and intelligence, it would be strange if they didn't select her.

After her older sister left for the palace, Eun-bi became sad. As if fate was playing with her, she ended up crossing paths with a strange nobleman and his son, which she ended up accepting a bet with the former.

One day, a special decree arrived. To everyone's surprise, she was summoned to take part in the Selection as well. Her partaking would mean the current number of candidates was going to increase to twenty-one.

As reluctant as she was, she couldn't refuse a royal decree from the King himself and risk her family's lives.

Later on, Eun-bi would find out the reason she was summoned–it was all because of the absurd bet she had first made with the King, back when he fooled her with his disguise as a nobleman.

During the Selection, Eun-bi was determined to run rampant. Each time she attempted to commit something ridiculous to get herself eliminated from the Selection, she ended up receiving an ironic result–which was gaining the attention of the cold-hearted Crown Prince, Lee Yul.

But as time passed, she–unintentionally–climbed over his barriers and ended up discovering a different side of him, which made her fall for him. Her feelings eventually grew mutual between them, as evidenced by how Yul warmed up to her and avowed his love for her by announcing her as his chosen consort in front of everyone in court.

While the news of their marriage travelled across the nation, Eun-bi left home two months ago and moved into the Detached Palace, which was also known as an outer palace. This was the place where she would live temporarily and received daily lessons on the royal family's etiquette and virtues a Crown Princess should possess.

To prepare for the wedding ceremony, they set the Royal Wedding Directorate up to oversee and organise the palace for such a grand national event. Eun-bi had seen them running across the grounds, being hard at work with the construction works among other duties. Sometimes, she would feel extremely apologetic towards them for arranging her marriage, but when she remembered the hardships that she was experiencing as well, she felt less guilty.

By that, she meant how often she would listen to Senior Court Lady Yi reciting the classic texts, the court's seemingly endless rules, and the rites of the wedding ceremony repeatedly until they bored her to death. It went without saying that she would fall asleep during those lessons. Despite getting berated countless times, she still repeated the same mistake.

Even if they were about to confer the title of the Crown Princess on her soon, it would never cease her antics.

After all, Eun-bi was born to be a mischief-maker.

No one could ever change that part of her. Not even a scary-looking court lady or the King.

Today was just like any other busy day in the Detached Palace. Several complaints came from her, including moments of her dodging and escaping from her daily tasks.

Earlier this morning, Court Lady Kim had thrown several layers of clothes on her, which made up her bridal ceremonial attire. This wasn't the first time it had happened. On several occasions, the maids returned to take her measurements or adjustments, even taking notes to add more accessories and embroideries to the outfit.

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