"Yeah, except stop popping pills."

"For fuck's sake, Mel!" I exclaim in exasperation. "You do realize that at this point, it's literally physically painful for me to even think about not taking them," I grudgingly admit, and it's the honest truth. Just thinking about suddenly stopping with the pills literally hurts me.

"So then you need rehab, Marshall," Mel whispers, and it takes everything in me not to recoil from her.

"Rehab?!" I say incredulously. "Nah, Mel, it ain't that fucking serious! Are you out of your goddamn mind? No, I don't need no damn..."

"Either it's not that serious and you can just stop taking the pills at any time, or it IS so serious that you need to go to rehab," Mel says firmly. "There's no middle ground, baby boy."

"Melody, just cut me some fucking slack already! And please put the ring back on."

"No, Marshall," she frees herself out of my arms and walks over to the closet. "I'm done," she says and then opens the closet door and starts shifting through her clothes in there.

"What you mean you are done?" I frown. "You leaving me?"

She doesn't answer.

"Mel, you can't fucking leave me!" I exclaim. "What... what about Lyric?"

"We can co-parent," she shrugs. "Same like you and Kim do."

"Nah baby, look at me. Mel? Look at me please?" I touch her shoulder lightly, and she suddenly spins around with some of her clothes in her hand and throws them on the floor.

"WHAT, Marshall?!" She exclaims.

"I don't want you to leave me. That can't happen, baby."

"Marshall," Melody then sighs. "I'm not leaving you. But... until you get your shit together, I'm just staying here for Lyric's sake. We are nothing but roommates at this point."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at her in confusion.

"You'll figure out soon enough," Mel replies. Then she grabs some of her clothes out of the closet and marches towards one of the guestrooms where she apparently intends to stay from now on.


Melody's P.O.V.

Maybe I'm being too harsh on Marshall at this point. I don't know, because at the end of the day, he literally is sick right now, and he's not really in control of his actions, and I know that. At the same time, I'm trying to show him tough love to make him see that he's got to change his ways or else.

So the next few days, I continue to sleep in one of his guest rooms and I barely even talk to him. I refuse to put that damn ring back on, and the only time I interact with Marshall is when it's about one of the kids.

Betty helps me out with them a lot now, by the way, which is definitely a plus, at least I don't have to feel nearly as overwhelmed as I was before. She helps me out a lot around the house too, she is honestly a blessing.

Now, today, she just took all four girls to her place for the night, and it's actually kind of tough for me to part with them, but the whole D12 are gonna be here tonight with Marshall, and they all intend to get high and drunk, so I realize that it's not exactly appropriate for the kids to be here when that happens.

I actually kind of missed the guys, I barely see them anymore, so it's nice to see them.

I sit with them and I laugh at their usual clownery that they do, and I'm actually starting to have a good time.

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