[ 𝟎𝟖 ] 𝟗 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠

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    THE TRIO SCANNED THE COUNTLESS aisles of books, unsure of what they were searching for in particular. Sam recalled what Lori had told him regarding her boyfriend's death at the church, though Dean still didn't seem to be buying into it. Robin knew it sounded like an abnormal murder, but there was the outweighing chance that Lori may have been in shock when it happened and didn't see the guy's face.

"She seemed pretty genuine to me." Sam came to the girl's defense when Dean wouldn't give anything more than a hum of acknowledgement over his shoulder. He waltzed down the center of the library, passing group studies and student workers until he turned down a narrow section with mythology textbooks and literature.

Robin and Sam followed closely behind. "You really believe her?" Dean questioned skeptically, finally turning around to face his brother in the middle of the empty aisle. Sam firmly agreed with Lori's story. "Hey, I think she's hot, too." joked Dean, earning a sigh from the taller male.

"No, man, there's something in her eyes." Sam lightly shook his head. "And get this, she heard scratching on the roof and found the body suspended upside down over the car."

Dean's eyes suddenly lit up and he looked up to his brother. The details were vaguely familiar to Robin — something she must have skimmed over in her grandparents' journals - but she couldn't quite place it. "Wait, that sounds like..."

"I know. The hookman legend."

The apprehension returned to Dean's face and he shook his head. "That's one of the most famous urban legends, do you think we're really dealing with the hookman?"

Sam shrugged helplessly. "Every legend had to start somewhere."

"What about the phantom scratches and tire punctures and invisible killer?" Robin asked, keeping her voice low to not draw any attention from nearby students. Sam appeared stumped for a moment, pouting in thought.

"Maybe the hookman's not a man at all. It could be some type of spirit." Sam eyed the two, who seemed to be mapping out the next steps of their plan. Robin acted first, telling the boys to grab a table near the back of the building while she went to go look for a librarian.

She returned a few minutes later carrying a dusty, worn cardboard box marked POLICE RCRDS: 1851-1860. A young woman trailed behind her, a second box in her arms. It was similarly labeled. "Here you guys are." She said cheerfully, placing the files on the polished table. The drop caused a puff of dust to cloud into their faces and they flinched, waving it away. "Arrest records dating back to 1851." The woman was fairly weirded out by Robin's specific request, especially with the lack of backpacks and study material, but smiled nonetheless.

Dean blew at the thin layer of dust on top of the one Robin dropped in front of him, coughing when it flew out in front of him. "Thanks." He flashed the librarian a flirtatious smile, eyes tracking her swaying hips as she walked away. Robin smacked the back of his head, disgust scrunching her nose.

"Reverend Sorenson was right, we need to work on chastity." Dean's eyes narrowed, challenging Robin's stern, teacher-like downgaze. They were oblivious to Sam's fearful stare, too scared to even ask what the woman was talking about. "Let's get started." She rounded Sam's seat at the end of the table and slumped into the one across from Dean. He fought back a teasing insult and cracked open the first box.

𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 || dean winchester ¹Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant