I remember going to one of those appointments with Mel to find out the sex of the baby.

"Yes, but sir, those tests are not always 100% accurate," the doctor says. "It's a girl," she repeats.

I mean... I don't really care either way, as long as the child is healthy.

And I guess my sperm only makes girls for some reason, so it's all good.

"Aight, when can I see them?" I ask.

"Right now, Mr. Mathers."

The doc leads the way, and I follow her in the room where Mel is nursing our baby for the first time.

She looks up at me, and she looks so exhausted, her hair is all over her face, and she's all sweaty, and she looks so tired, but she's never looked more beautiful to me to be honest.

"Disappointed that it's a girl?" Melody asks me sheepishly.

"Of course not, baby," I reassure her. And I really am not. Just kind of surprised, but then again, not really. Like I said, my sperm makes only girls. "Are you okay?" I ask her, and she just nods weakly. "Let me see."

She reveals my baby girl to me, and I honestly just fall in love at the first sight.

I remember feeling this way back when Hailie was born too. I just can't help it, I just know this little girl would have me wrapped around her little finger in the future, just like Hailie has.

The baby looks more like her momma, more than anything else, thank God. She's got most of Melody's completion, maybe a shade or two lighter, and she's got most of her facial features, a head full of curly hair. She's got my eyes though. And I don't mean just the color of them. The way she looks up at me, with mad fucking attitude, I just know without a shadow of a doubt that it's my fucking child through and through.

 The way she looks up at me, with mad fucking attitude, I just know without a shadow of a doubt that it's my fucking child through and through

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Quick A/N note here. I couldn't find any baby pics that I felt like looked like what their baby would look like, but this is how I imagine her as slightly older and a toddler lol. The eyes might be a little too bright and the wrong shade of blue, but it still works for me. Okay now, back to the actual story...

It's a couple of days later, and Mel and baby Lyric have been cleared out to leave out of the hospital.

It is whole shit show out there outside, with the reporters hounding us like crazy.

Apparently, for whatever reason, the whole world is really pressed to see exactly what Eminem and Melody Hardwick's baby would look like.

We don't give them shit though, and just keep on walking right to the car, NY security team surrounding us.

That doesn't stop the fuckers from yelling though.



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