Suddenly, he saw the child's eyes brighten, "En!"

"But first let's go greet grandpa." "Okay~." Yuze sweetly replied as he hold his uncle's slender hand.

While the uncle and nephew were walking near a cottage, they saw a white-haired yet full of vigor old man feeding the fishes in the pond.

"Grandaddy!" Mo Yuze excitedly said.

Hearing his great grandson's voice, grandpa Zhou immediately looked over excitedly.

"Oi, my baby. You finally visited grandaddy."

"Un! Only got free today! Yuze wants to stay here forever! Dont want to go to school!!" Yuze childishly complained.

"Not possible." Zhou Shan lightly pinched those chubby ears of his nephew.

"Awiiee~" Yuze immediately covered it.

Grandpa Zhou laughed at their interaction.
Wu Xuan, Mo Chou, and Zhou Ya walked together towards the family cottage as their loved ones are currently there.

The moment they arrived, they saw the uncle and nephew bickering with each other. The parents of Yuze smiled. Wu Xuan also smiled yet a sour taste seemed to be emitting from his pores.

Yuze saw his parents and immediately run his chubby legs towards them, "Mommy, Daddy!"

Mo Chou catched the running dumpling and carried him to his left arm while his right arm supports his pregnant wife.

"Yuze, did you had fun with your uncle?" Zhou Ya lovingly asked.

"Un! We ate lots~ of sweets with grandaddy. Yummyy~~." Yuze said as he licked the corner of his mouth as if savoring the taste.

Mo Chou raised an eyebrow. "You'll have to reduce your intakes of sweet. Starting tomorrow, Dad will train you to become a soldier. Dont you want to be like Mom and Dad? Able to ride horses!"

Yuze was a little saddened at the news of his reduced intake of sweets, however, it was immediately suppressed at the thought of being able to ride horses! "Okay! Listen to Daddy!"

Wu Xuan on the other hand quickly went to his little wifey for comfort. Zhou Shan had already felt the sour taste coming from his hubby. He lightly laughed and pulled his husband's head to the crook of his neck for some sweet hug. Wu Xuan went deeper inhaling his own scent from his baby. He then felt satisfied. "How's work, my love?"

"Tired~" The husband spoilingly said.

"Then, I'll give you massage later, chu~" The pampering wife whispered to his hubby's ears together with a smooch.

"Uncle Shan and uncle Xuan are hugging! Just like mommy and daddy." Little Yuze shouted.

Hearing his words, Wu Xuan possessively hugged his wife looking to his nephew as if looking at a rival.

Zhou Shan laughed, while Yuze cutely lean his head at the side confused.
3 days later,

Zhou Shan and his husband are currently inside a carriage. They would start their 'travel-the-world' phase as his husband already retired from his position.

Though he's still 37 this year, he dont want to wait until he cant walk anymore to retire. He still needs to travel the world with his wife for decades, alas!

Zhou Shan was currently humming sensually as he felt his husband's naughty hands went inside his robes.

"Humm...hubby~, there is a person outside." Zhou Shan was referring to the coachman. He held back wanting to get up from his husband's lap. However, his husband seemed to sense it and so tightened his hold of him.

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