breathe into my lips the life i do not have

Start from the beginning

Sarah was, as always, doing her absolute best to maintain composure as Lisa went about her usual routine. The prospector she'd brought with her was a brunette, around Lisa's age if she'd still been alive, and though Lisa would never admit it, was actually quite beautiful. This didn't upset Lisa's plans. If there was one thing that kept her entertained after spending a century trapped in the same fucking house, it was haunting it.

Maybe haunting wasn't the right word. You had to have true, nefarious purpose for that. Lisa was just really fucking bored and this was her only source of joy. It was more wrong place, wrong time, really.

Sarah and the New Victim stepped into the bedroom, and Lisa took it upon herself to slip under the bed sheets. She flattened down to the size of a dust particle, trundled her way to the middle, and slowly, slowly, grew and rose up until the sheets framed up like a tent around her head.

Sarah paled till she was as white as the sheets Lisa were haunting, but strangely, the brunette only raised a brow.

The woman watched the definitely-there haunting in front of her before turning to Sarah. "This place haunted?"

Sarah looked like she was going to throw up and only managed to nod weakly. Lisa was honestly a little disappointed. She'd think after all the fuckery she'd done, Sarah would have gotten used to her by now. It bordered on disrespectful.

The brunette glanced back to Lisa.

"I'm guessing that's why this place is dirt cheap?"

Lisa frowned from under the sheets. This was meant to terrify people, but the woman remained infuriatingly casual as if it was a normal occurrence that your sheets rose up with a ghost beneath it.

Sarah nodded weakly again.

The brunette seemed to think it over.

"They're not like some serial killer, are they?"

"No the—the stories say she's—she's—"

For Sarah's sake, Lisa decided to come back out the sheets and let them lay naturally. Sarah released a massive sigh of relief.

"She was shot, apparently. Years and—years ago." Sarah swallowed, shooting the blonde a sad smile. "She took a bullet meant for her partner. Her guardian had disapproved of their relationship, they say, but when he came to kill her he instead mistakenly shot his ward. Lisa Manoban."

The brunette considered this. Eventually she just shrugged. "Hell, why not. It's not like I have the money anyway."

Sarah blinked like she'd never expected anyone to actually move in here.

And, well, Lisa was of the same opinion.

She did the usual tactics that always worked.

Except they didn't.

Jennie—as Lisa learnt her name was—came back in a few days later and threw her bare few bags onto the bed. When she went to the mirror, checking her hair and frowning at seeing the amount of tangles in it, Lisa did what she did best and she'd manipulated that energy that had taken a century to master.

Get out, she wrote out in blood across the mirror.

Jennie clicked her tongue. "I'm going to take a shower to try and fix whatever the fuck is going on. You're not a pervert, are you?"

Lisa frowned from where she was unknowingly standing next to Jennie. This was... not how this was supposed to go. This was usually the time of screaming and cursing and begging for god to wipe out whatever was left of her. Lisa reached out to write again, though this time a bit more hesitantly.

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