Steven Sees Someone's Thigh High Boots At 5 Guys

9 1 13

5 Guys

Washington St

Middletown, Connecticut

Steven: *cleaning the dining room, and sees a pair of shiny black thigh high boots* Whose boots are they?

Woman: *comes out of the women's bathroom, wearing a navy blue shirt, black shorts, and barefoot* Don't mess with my boots!

Steven: Sorry!

Woman: *sits down, and puts her bare feet in her boots, zipping them up, and orders her food*

Steven: No socks?! You got to be kidding me! *shakes his head, and goes outside to clean the patio*

Patio: *stained with mustard, mayo, and peanut shells*

This story was written on Thursday, October 27th, 2022.

A/N Steven, why don't you mind your own business? The woman came into the restaurant barefoot, and left her boots on one of the tables, before using the bathroom to wash her hands! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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