Morning October Thunderstorm

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Steven: *hears a rumble of thunder* The heck? What was that noise?

Iris: That was thunder, you moron.

Steven: The weatherman didn't say anything about a thunderstorm!

Shelly: Well, its happening. *hears a loud boom of thunder* Whoa!!! My heart!!!

Steven: It was just supposed to be rain, not thunder! Is this a joke?

Shelly: Guess thunder can still occur, even if it wasn't predicted. *hears the heavy rain*

Steven: *gets startled by another loud thunder boom* Eek!!!!

Ken: Steven, chill out! It probably won't last long!

Steven: I hope not! *shaking like a leaf*

This story was written on Monday, October 24th, 2022. (Diwali Hindu Festival Of Lights)

A/N Got a late morning thunderstorm going on here! 🌩🌩🌩 Can't focus on writing when it thunders! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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