Getting Our Halloween Costumes Tomorrow

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Ken: We will get our Halloween costumes tomorrow!

Owen: Where?

Ken: Iparty in Wallingford.

Carlton: Hopefully, they have what I want.

Pam: I'm thinking about being a fairy princess!

Iris: Really? A Disney princess?

Pam: No. I'm not really into that Disney princess stuff.

Steven: You find it too girly?

Pam: No. I'm just not interested.

Steven: Oh.

Ken: We'll head on to Wallingford, after you guys get out of school.

Francis: Sounds like a plan!

Ashley: Yup!

This story was written on Tuesday, October 18th, 2022.

A/N We will get our Halloween costumes tomorrow!! *hears the sound of an evil witch cackling* Holy smokes! 👀 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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