Free Admission To The Art Museum

6 2 10

Metropolitan Museum Of Art

New York City, New York

Woman: *looks at paintings by Claude Monet*

MermaidAriel13: Wow! Can't believe I got in the museum for free! Must be my lucky day! *looks at a painting of a dead alligator* Wow!

Man: *looks at paintings by Pablo Picasso*

MermaidAriel13: *looks at paintings by Vincent Van Gogh*

Teacher: Class, stay together, please!!!

Class: *dressed in school uniforms*

MermaidAriel13: And I got free access to eat at any restaurant here in New York, for free! What a sweet deal! *giggles*

This story was written on Friday, October 14th, 2022.

A/N She is so lucky to have free admission to the art museum! Other people had to pay! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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