Steven's Petition Didn't Get Any Signatures 😅😅😅

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Steven: *on the computer* No one signed the petition!!!!

Carlton: You can't stop 2023 from coming, Steven!

Bob Kimball: Exactly! Time marches on!

Shelly: No matter what you do, 2022 will end!

Charlotte: Exactly! I won't be here, when 2023 starts. I'll be in California.

Owen: I'm moving to Arkansas, before New Year's Eve.

Bob Kimball: Where in Arkansas?

Owen: Jonesboro.

Charlotte: I am gonna live in Santa Monica.

Lakeisha: I'm moving back to New Jersey. Different area, though.

Iris: What about that old goat Abraham?

Brandon: He better move back to Georgia. He's so rude.

Steven: I don't want 2023 to come!

Brandon: Embrace it! I turn 18 in January!

Bob Kimball: You graduate next year, right?

Brandon: Yes!

Bob Kimball: Can you send me an invitation to your graduation?

Brandon: Sure!

Melvin: *sings Hot Blooded by Foreigner* I'm Hot Blooded! Check It And See! I Got A Fever Of 2023!!

Me: Excellent!

Steven: Well, if no one is gonna sign my petition, I have to go to New York!

This story was written on Tuesday, October 25th, 2022.

A/N Steven needs to understand that 2022 will end in a couple of months time! 2023 will be here before we know it! Time to embrace another year! And, his petition is stupid anyway! Good thing, no one signed it! 😅😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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