Funeral Arrangements Have Been Made For Brian

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Ken: Okay, folks. Its official. Brian's funeral will be on Tuesday, October 18th, at 11 am.

Charlotte: Okay.

Ken: It will be held at Middletown Bible Church on East St.

Iris: Okay.

Owen: Can't believe he's gone man.

Melvin: Yeah, its awful. I haven't known him that well, or that long, but he was a good dude.

Ken: Brian's family will be coming to Connecticut to attend his funeral. They will be staying at the hotels in Cromwell. Its convenient, cause East St is not far from the Cromwell line, where it meets up with Route 372.

Veronica: Excellent. Is Emma gonna come?

Ken: No. But she's gonna watch the funeral via livestream.

Veronica: Alright.

Steven: Do I have to go?

Ken: Yes you do. To pay your respects.

Steven: But I was never his friend!

Ken: Don't argue with me! Now's not the time!

Steven: *sighs exasperated*

Iris: The teens should request time off from school next Tuesday.

Ken: They will.

This story was written on Thursday, October 13th, 2022.

A/N Its official. Brian's funeral will be on Tuesday, October 18th, at 11 am. He will be finally laid to rest. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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