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"since I'm the newbie here I guess though no all right let's get me up there" UNICOMICS said "just a disclaimer I have a reading age of a nine year old"

"Man no worries" max said 

"right so the first one would you dream or" UNI stopped 

"would you dream?" max said 

"oh hang on" UNI said and we laughed "never clip your toenails ever again"

"so would you rather dream or never clip your toenails again" max said 

"what?" i ask hoping it wasnt actually

"you know what I actually like the fact that I will never have to ever clip my toe nails again" UNI said 

"oh thats true is it never clip your toenails or never have to clip your toenails again because I'm just saying-"

"do you know how long those would grow" i ask smiling at the sillyness

"loop hole!" max said "they never said like they wouldnt be clean they just they could magically clip themself"

"thats not- you cant just make that up" i say

"they never speciufied" max said 

"but it goes my logical rules" i say 

i was then my turn "woo" i say running up to te chests 

"okay so would you rather the only pets you see are the little yappy chihuahuas or be the father mother of 1276 children" i say 

"ok shelby you go ahead and pick" max said 

"imma go for the chihuahuas" i say "because ow" 

"just because ow?" max laughed 

"yes 1276 kids ow" i say he laughs more 

"my turn now" max said "would you rather hug a pug and get a high pitched girly voice"

"does that mean UNI and then you get my voice" i say 

"i- heh" he chuckled "or would you rather only type in leet speak"

"ooooohhh" everyone said 

"so for me i only get to hug a pug" i say 


max didnt get a point 

"you have to speak like me for the rest of the video then" i say 

"uh no" max said straightforward i laughed 

then it was mudkipz turn "would you rather only wearing red cowboy boots and only them or make videos with friends that always make bad jokes"

"so with max?" i say 

"hey!" he said i laugh 

kipz  got the point and it was UNIs turn again "would you rather have pancake butt or butt face?" 

"i wouldnt get to keep my bootacios booty" max said 

"no bootacios booty no" kipz said 

"i just didnt have an arse in the first place" i say and max laughs 

UNI got the point as well as a salty max.

it was my turn again

"okay! so would you rather walk over a mile long row of hot coals" i say "or, every photo you take is slightly crooked and has to be edited" 

"im going for the hot coal one!"

i got it right "but that sounds painful i wouldnt mind editing photos" 

"well i barely feel anything in my feet because of football and pointe shoes"

"how does football do that to you" max said 

"the studs under the shoe? oh wait it isnt football for you its 'soccor'  and pointe shoes are literally just balancing on the top of your toes on wood" i say 

"you know what i can even argue with that" UNI said "because i know how bad the studs hurt and my sister took ballet"

"exactly" i say 

we did a few more rounds before we got off and i went to the sidehouse.

"you packed?" i asked simon 

"yup all ready" he said laying on his bed

"what time do you leave" i ask 

"7 am in two days" simon said

"I'm going to miss you" I say

"You'll have fun without me tho"

"Yeah but I'm more thinking of the fun I can only have with you" I say suggestively

"You are not helping the situation I'm having right now" meaning his boner I've noticed since walking in the room

"What situation?" I said acting like I don't know

"You maybe an actor but you aren't fooling me I saw you checking it out"

"Sorry but it's sticking out and well...... its a big problem" I say

"Really?" He said catching my drift

"It may be the biggest problem I've seen" i say

He edges closer to me

"I mean I don't think anyones 'problem' I've seen was as big as this problem" I say

"Really" He said getting fed up of me speaking about his Penis


"Maybe instead of talking about it you can do something about it" He said sitting on the edge of the bed

"Maybe I can" I say kneeling down

"Less speaking more sucking" He said. This turned me on because it was completely out of character for simon and it was hot.

Every time one of us woke up that night something happened ;)

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