dying hair

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this is a shubble vlog thing 

the intro happens 

"so simon wants to dye his hair again and he wants it yellow" i say looking at simon sitting down with a towel over his shoulders 

"do it cmon" he said 

"are you sure?" i ask

"yes start it" i mix the colour and start 

"so while we are doing this crap im going to have Vik ask us questions" vik waves from the side

"Ok" vik said looking for questions as I started dying Simons hair and I made a face

Simon saw the face

"What?" He asked

"Nothing, nothing"

"no what?" he said panicking 

"its just really yellow" i say 

he calm down 

"have you guys ever dated?" vik asked 

"no" simon said 


"no" i said 



"do you or have you found eachother attractive"

"yes" i say 


"then why havent you fucked?!"

"its complicated" i say

"is shubble a part of the sidemen?" 

"no but im the editor and camerawoman"

"are you guys married?"

"what" i ask

"No" simon said

"apperently there reasoning behind it was because you guys have a weird bond and shes wondering if it was a friend or relationship bond"


"are you gay?" 

"no i like girls and boys" i say

"im straight" simon said with no emotion and straighforward we make weird eyecontact and laugh

"why do you dye your hair?"

"its fun and funky plus itll grow back"

"Does shubble dye her hair?"

"yeah but i do one specifice piece of hair so you dont see if it i dont like it" 

"thats smart" vik said 

"is she from HoA?" vik asked confused "whats HoA?"

"umm yes  and nothing"

"what what is it?" simon asked 

"something i did as a kid it was fun but its over now" 

"ooo im intruigued now" simon said "theres not much i dont know about you"

"yeah but this will be a secret"

"This person said they are confused on how we went to the same school and grew up together if simon went to an all boys school?" Vik said

"Well." I started.

"She's a male" He pointed I was shocked and just looked at him then smeared some yellow on his face "oi"

"No we went to school together then secondary school was the same school but boys went to one building and the girls the other." I said "basically girls had a big fuck off mountain and then the boys had an even bigger one because apparently parents prefer them to go to private school more" simon nodded

we did a few more questions and stopped to wash his hair out 

after he washed it out he came out the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist 

"doesnt look too bad does it?" he saw walking over to get his shirt he took with him for after the dying of hair.

"come here" i say walking to him 

he bends down slightly and i ruffle his hair to see if i got all coverage and it looks good

"nah its actually good" i say 

"what do you mean actually?" he pretended to be offended "it was already good when i said the idea"

"i dont know about that" i say 

"eh rude" he hits me with his shirt 

i pick up a tea towel "you picked a dangerous game for being that vunerabel in a towel" i say suggesting to his almost dry body that there was nothing stopping that towel from falling if he ran

"fair" He said wlakinng back to the bathroom to change i hit him with the tea towel 

"pay backs a bitch" i say i grin as he chuckles 

"are you guys you know? going out?" Vik asked 

"no why?"

"nothing its just you guys seem so close. i wouldnt be suprised if you did go out"

"oh- well we arent and i would understand why people would think we do but we arent together"

"ok....... do you like him?" Vik asked 

"of course i do i love him hes my best friend its weird" 

"yeah i get it that was like me and Kayleigh" vik said "we were best friends but it wasnt for as long as you guys"

(yes i know they broke up in 2017 so pretend they have now)

 "yeah i guess we've gotten to know eachother so well we would know eachotehr better then our partners do"


simon came out from the bathroom

"hello chit chatters ready for food?" simon said 

"hell yeah" vik said 

"take out or restaurant?" i offer

"restaurant" they both say

"let me change into better clothing" i say refering to my shorts and baggy old shirt 

"ok" simon said  

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