going home

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I made me why home showered and went to the shops for new milk and bread mine were both out of date

As I was walking there I saw a kid about 2 years old crossing the road by themselves.

I was already worried for the then an shitty car came swerving down the road swooping and turning at the kid.

I quickly ran and threw the kid off of the road trying to jump across it the road as well......

I wasn't fast enough and my legs were hit off of the windshield and I landed on my arm horribly.

I got up and looked at my leg.

The window wiper caught my leg and sliced it (I know its very unlikely but just do with it)

and my arm looked mangled.

The women came rushing to me and the boy.

"Is he ok?" She worried

"No I practically threw him away from the car I got hit with." I said getting pissed at the mother for one not keeping her kid next to her and two looking at me and mangled and bloody state and asked about him. "Why rhe fuck was he crossing the road alone?" I say

"I left him outside the shops for two seconds just to get him the juice he wanted" she said "i told him to stay but clearly he didn't"

Police and an ambulance came up.

"There is a think called reins if he can't listen or stay still make him." I say "Then nice people won't risk their fucking lifes"

"I'm so sorry how can I repay you?"

"It's fine honestly I got a little annoyed you noticed the state I'm in and ignored it" I brush off

"No honestly do you need anything"

"Bread and milk?" I say

"Right Johnny you stay here I'm going to go to the shops and get some things you stay with the nice lady who saved you ok?" He nodded

The moment the mum turned her back he started moving away

I grabbed his hood with my good hand "oi your mum asked you to do something." I explain "she's getting you a treat you might not get it if you dint do what she says" He got really worried and sat down on the curb

"Why are you bleeding" He asked

"The car was sharp" I say bluntly

The ambulance came by as the police were marking the bloody roads off so we have space from the nosey bitches

"SHELBY!"  Simon shouted from the behind the tape

"Hey! Let him in"

"Sorry miss family only" the officer said

"He's my husband" I say

"Where is your ring?" The officer said bluntly

"I'm a Baker I can't wear jewellery on work days" I say bitchy

Simon went under the tape "wife? And what the fuck did you do?"

"Save a kid from a drunken driver" I say wincing at the pain. The adrenalin was wearing off very much

"Miss we need to take you for stitches and an xray" the ambulance said

I nodded

"Are you coming mister?" The passenger in the ambulance asked

Simon nodded and I was lifted onto a bed and given pain killers.

My Best Friend........ After Jj ~ MiniminterWhere stories live. Discover now