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I decided to play in the match which might be a bad idea but it will be fun.

I was basically the cannon fodder. But it wasn't the best because after ab injury I'd have three members asking if I was good and not marking.

Half way I got a punt to the face. I landed on the floor and tobi ran up.

"Yo shells you good?" The purple haired boy at the time asked

"Yea just give me a minute" I say taking slow breaths in.

The guy got a yellow card which was utter bullshit.

Then 20 mins before full time the ball was out of the pitch so as someone threw it a guy from the other team (a dick) slapped my arse.

I went full Scottish on that

I push him back "ya think ats funny do ya! Slappin the ainly girls arse in a fucking field when ye aren't on ma fuckin team" I say pushing him back further.

Harry and josh saw what happened in the first place and started running up

"REF" Josh shouted

"Don't act like you didn't like it missus" He said smirking

"I didn't like it. women normally dinna when they have their ass slapped by a dick!" I say the ref, josh and Harry was here now.

"What the hell do you think you're doing man!" Harry shouted

"It's for charity!" Josh said "you've fucking ruined it for 15 minutes of horrible fame!"

"What happened!" The ref said

"Nothing" the guy said

"He sexually slapped me while someone was getting the ball!" I said pointing my finger at him

"I did no such thing"

"Dude we saw you" Harry said getting pissed

It got Simon and luxs attention so they made their way up to the commotion

"And there is multiple cameras here that will back up what we've said" I shout

"What's happened" Simon asked

"Your teammates are accusing this player of sexual assault" the ref said

"What?" Lux said "is this true"

"Nah man" He said Then saw all of us pissed "I mean she was asking for it that look in that"

"Fuck you I nevar said ennyhun like at and i wasnae even looking a you" I shout

"Seriously you did that?" Simon said "it's a charity match you dickhead"

"Do you believe her?" The ref said

"Hell yes" Simon said

"We seen it as well mate!" Josh said pointing at him and Harry

"You're sent off" the ref said

"And kiss playin wie us again goodbye!" I shout

"What the hell man" lux said "I'm so sorry shubble"

"It's fine" I say shaking it off "Let's continue"

"B. You don't need to if you don't want to" Simon said

"No I'm not sitting on the sidelines like some hurt pansy trust me I've had worse" I say walking back


I was raging after hearing what just happened

After she walked away

"She's feirce" callux said

"She's always been" I said

"How long have you known her?"

"Since we were in year three" I say

"You guys must read eachother like a book"

"Yeah" I say drifting off.

She's been through worse?? In what way? Cat calling or sexual assault or even worse

Hell no.

She would never suffer that kind of shit in silence

She would tell someone after telling the police.

She's distracting herself from what just happened though

We won!

it was fun.

Soon enough I saw Bee sit down with Harry and a water bottle.

Her pain was probably kicking in. The only reason I know that is because she's laying down with the water bottle on her face holding her side.

I walk over to them

"How's the hurting?" I ask them both

"Fuck you mate" Harry says out of breath and all Bee could do at wave her middle finger at me

"Fuck you guys too cmon I'm your driver Let's get yous home" I said

"Ugh" shubble said

Her and Harry helped themselves up.

As I drove them home.

My Best Friend........ After Jj ~ MiniminterWhere stories live. Discover now