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"Hello! I'm shubble. Welcome back to my channel today; I'm doing a truth or drink with Freya nightingale!" Freya waved

"Anyway, I hope you enjoy. I'm away to get hammered because Simons behind the scenes." I say, "and he's picked the questions."

"Oh, so you're in trouble innit" Freya said with a wink

"Ew." I say sharply, and we laugh

"What made you start youtube/streaming," simon said

"Ummm, I don't know, really. I guess gaming was a josh and me thing, so when he started it, I thought I'd start it."

"Um. Fuck. Oh well. I was an actor before this, and one of my coworkers said I would be an amazing youtuber because of how much better I was at gaming than him. "

"You were an actor?" Freya asked

"Shut up," I say to simon. "Yeah, it was a stupid show, then a few pop-ups in different shows."

"I've watched her. she's amazing," simon said

"Shut up."

"Would you ever start up something spicy?" Simon read off

"Well, does like dances count not like stripping, but I do dance, and I was thinking since songs are coming out."

"BTW loved the songs," Freya said

"And I love you," I say to Freya

"Awwwww," she said

"OI" simon responded, "You need to take a shot for that."

"For saying I love Freya?" I offended


"But it's the truth I shouldn't need to drink."

"Forfeit round need to take a drink anyway."

"Fuck you."

"Maybe you will," Freya said

I winked at her

"Don't make it two shots," simon warned jokingly

I took one shot of vodka with a straight face

"Wow," Freya said. "No reaction that was.... That was kind of hot, to be honest. " Freya nodded with her words

"Hahahaha, anyway, simon next question."

"How do you sound when you cum? Dude wtf are your questions" simon said

"Am I being stupid or does everyone go higher pitched? I feel like that's a given so idk what they were asking for" I say

"What everyone does that why not your normal voice?" Simon asked

"Babe please tell me your kidding" I say

(Simons heart fluttered because this was the first time she said babe) "no why not your own voice"

"Because it doesn't show how we are really feeling would you want 'oh yes right there'" I said in a really dull voice "or what I actually do"

He thought about it "Yeah I get it now"

"Ok next one" simon said "are yous planning on getting married soon?"

"Um no considering its not even been a year" I say "Freya on the other hand"

"No" she said "I don't think we are atleast"

"Are you pregnant?" Simon read "do you have something to tell me?"

"No! I don't think so"

"Yeah it's a no"

My Best Friend........ After Jj ~ MiniminterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin