Chapter 16 - The Window Sill

Start from the beginning

And just as Lee finished his sentence, Milena looked up at the door to see the identical pair of red heads enter into the great hall and begin to make their way towards the end of the table. As soon as she made eye contact with Fred, it seemed as though his pace grew just a little quicker as he walked towards them.

"Good morning, boys," Milena greeted as George sat down next to Lee, Fred sitting down next to Milena.

"Hey, love," Fred greeted with a soft smile. "Feeling alright then?"

"I feel just fine, why?" She asked, watching his eyes.

"Just checking," He said. "Did you get my present, Mills?"

"I did," she said. "Actually, Fred, could I talk to you for a second?"

"'Course." He said, the pair standing from the table together.

They walked back out of the great hall together and moved to a secluded corner of the corridor where Fred sat himself up on a large window ledge, Milena pulling herself up next to him. She could see there was a little concern in his eyes, but it didn't look like his usually guilty concerned look he had when he was caught pulling a prank. Instead, it looked like real concern, the same concerned look he had that night at the Quidditch World Cup.

"So, how are you actually feeling?" Fred asked.

"Like I said, I'm feeling just fine," Milena replied. "What I want to know is what happened last night?"

"Look, I'm sorry I punched Ivan but-"

"You punched Ivan!?" Milena interrupted, shocked at his words.

"Yeah, I- Do you not remember anything from last night?" Fred asked, a little confused and even more concerned now.

"No, that's why I wanted to talk to you, Madam Pomfrey said you were the one who brought me into the hospital wing, so I assumed you would be able to fill me in." Milena explained. "But wait, why did you punch Ivan?"

"Because he's a no-good, scummy, little twat that should have never been allowed to be near you." Fred exclaimed almost immediately as if he had been waiting his whole life to say it.

"I'm sorry?" Milena said.

"He's the reason I had to take you to the hospital wing," Fred started to explain. "I'm not sure how he convinced you, but you ate a chocolate he gave you that he had put a love potion into. I came to find you in the library after Angelina had told me you were down there so that I could give you that present for Valentine's day and when I got there, you were throwing yourself all over him."

Milena cringed at the thought of her throwing herself at Ivan and even more at the thought of him going as far as using a love potion on her so she would like him. She had always hated love potions, if there was one type of magic she thought anyone should never mess with, it was love.

"So, when I realized what he had done, I picked you up and started carrying you to the hospital wing, much to your dismay at the time." Fred continued. "And as I was carrying you away, he said somethings that just sent me over the edge and next thing I knew, I had put you down and swung on him. And then I picked you back up and brought you to Pomfrey and just left him there. Once you were safe with her, I went to Dumbledore to tell him what he did."

"Oh..." was all that Milena could say. She didn't know how she was feeling at his words. She knew she definitely believed him, but she was feeling so many conflicting emotions. She was incredibly happy that Fred went to find her to surprise her for Valentine's day, angry at Ivan for thinking he could get away with a love potion, upset that she had fallen for it, and annoyed that that Durmstrang boy couldn't seem to get the hint.

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