Trick or Treat?

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We have another request from the wonderful- Dark_ic3 !

Thank you so much for the requests! It really does mean a lot to me!

Tws!- Yelling from a certain someone.-

Little head cannon- Ranboo can only look at someone in the eyes when they truly trust someone.

3rd person POV
October 28th, 2022
"I'm so excited!!" The blonde said as his angle like chicken wings flapped happily.

"About what?" The young enderman asked one of their best friends.

There're elf like ears flickered as his tail swayed side to side slowly.

"For Halloween of course!! It's only 3 days away!! I can't hardly breathe just thinking about it!!" He shouted jumping up and down, slowly landing on the ground.

The young enderman just stared blankly in pure confusion.

"But remember what Phil said? Not alot of candy, you child." The pink haird bunny said, his small tail flickering along with his ears.

"Um..what's Halloween?" The young teen asked tilting their head to the side.

There was a moment of silence.

The young enderman felt a pair of eyes staring at them deeply. They wanted to run away, but they stayed and continued to look at the ground.

"HOW DO YOU NOT KNIW WHAT HALLOWEEN IS?! IT'S LITERALLY THE BEST TIME OF YEAR! other then Christmas..BUT STILL" The tall blonde boy yelled, a hint of confusion in his voice.

Ranboo covered their ears tightly, as their tail stooped swooshing and wrapped around their leg very tightly.

Techno slapped Tommy on the back of the head harshly.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" Tommy yelled, now looking at the tall pink haired man.

"Shut up you child. You're scaring Ranboo half to death." Techno's low and harsh monotone voice sent a chill down Tommy's back in fear.

"Sorry, but how do they not know what Halloween is?" Tommy said quietly.

There was a moment of silence.

Techno turned towards Ranboo who was still covering their ears quite tightly.

Techno sighed.

"Back at their actual home, they've never had any kind of holidays. No Christmas, no Halloween, no Easter, etc. All they did was fight or prepare for literally anything." Techno said, pulling out a carrot and munching on it.


October 31st, 2022
Today was finally Halloween! Everyone was excited and all dressed up in their costumes. The pub was all decorated with many lights, pumpkins, and so much more.

But..someone was missing from their group, someone who everyone cared about.


Everyone began to look around for the tall Ender. But, they were no where to be seen.

"I'll go look for them" Phil and Techno said in sync.

Everyone chuckled a bit and nodded. Phil then took off into the dark and cloudy sky. Techno jumped down the ladder onto the ground.

They both had a feeling where Ranboo might be.

They both headed to their house that they had built.

The little cave house had very pretty purple lighting to it. The floor was very clean and sturdy. But, their was a smell that they could not tell.

"Techno? Phil? What are you guys doing here..?" A small voice, above a whisper said behind them.

They both turned around and saw the one they where looking for in their bight pajamas and hair in a messy bun hugging a little bunny plush that Techno had gotten them.

"Why aren't you all dressed up? It's Halloween, we told you about it yesterday, Boo." Phil said gently.

"Oh..I..I don't have a costume." They said looking down at the ground, their ears down to their neck and tail dropping to the floor with a small thud.

"That's okay. We have an extra one that Tommy wouldn't wear, or you could wear your normal outfit." Techno said placing a hand on the teens shoulder gently.

"Really?" Ranboo said, picking up their head looking at Techno in the eyes.

"Of course mate! You can basically anything on Halloween!" Phil said with a chuckle.

A smile formed on Ranboo's face, their ears going back up, and tail swaying.

"I'll be right back!" They shouted and ran twords their closent then bathroom.

A few minutes later, they came out in a beautiful dress, perfect eyeliner along with dark purple eyeshadow. They had golden jewelry on, their crown had been cleaned off very well. Their eyes glowed in the dark, a beautiful red and Green.

" look amazing Ran!" Phil shouted a huge grin on his face.

"Thank you!" They said with a biggest smile.

They all walked out of the house and used their own capabilities to go up the Pub.

Tubbo was the first one to notice them.

"Wow! Boo you look outstanding!!" Tubbo ran towards Ranboo and hugged them tightly.

They soon were on there way to do some trick or treating.

There were some tricks to laugh and some treats to have.

So let's have a happy Halloween ya'll :)

I'm so glad I was able to finish this chapter before Halloween!

I am writing another requested chapter that I more then likely won't get done before Halloween..-

Thank you so much Dark_ic3 for all the requests! I would love to hear more of your ideas along with other people's!! I would be more then happy to do them all!

Hope you guys enjoyed!!

Love you all!!
Word count: 900
-Published: 10/30/22
-updated ?/??/??
-Ace <3

Ranboo one shots!On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara