Rest in peace Techno❤️

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Tws!- Mentions of crying, mentions of no taking care of slef properly, mentions of SH, mentions of death

Please let me know if I missed any<33

Man... I can't believe it's already been a year...

I can't put how I feel into words. Gosh, I miss him sm.

When I first found out about Technos death, I kid you not.. I cried for 4 hours straight and stayed up for a week with no sleep. I probably took like a 30-minute nap once. I didn't eat for about a week. I had blocked out everyone in my life, including my parents. I had been 2 years clean from SH, but after his death, I wasn't clean for about 3 months.

But Techno would want the best for all his fans. So, I just decided that it was time to take care of myself and to move on.

Moving on isn't easy at ALL, especially when losing someone to look up to

I looked up to Techno when I first found out about him, which was like 3 years ago.

He was my inspiration. I wanted to be just like him, a streamer and someone people looked up to.

Hearing about him having cancer was heartbreaking, but I never really worried because I knew that he was strong and he would be able to fight it.

But hearing about his death broke me and shredded
I honestly can't bring myself to post this, but I'm gonna do it to honor Technoblade<3

If anyone is struggling with mental health, just know that you are most certainly not alone! If you need someone to talk to, just know that I'm always here for everyone!

I hope all of you are taking care of yourselfs<3

If not, then here's a list that you can work your way up! Take as much time as you need, my loves<3

-Drink at least 8 bottles of water
-Eat 3 meals a day
-Get 8 hours of sleep
-Take a bath and relax!
-Make some time to yourself<3
-Take a nap if you would like!
-Do what makes you happy! (Listening to music, drawing m, singing, hanging out with friends and family, reading, etc.!)
-spend some time outside, doesn't matter where! (Back yard, park, walk around neighborhood, etc.!)
-Clean up a bit! Doesn't matter when or where. Cleaning can take a lot of energy but it's definitely worth it!
-If you have any strong feelings, write it down somewhere! Like in a journal

I will moat certainly update the list later on!<333

I love you all so very much!<33333

May Techno rest in peace<3 for he died knowing how loved he was/is. All respects to Technos family and friends. We most certainly are hurt, but I can't imagine how his family and friends must be hurting..

Yet again, I love you all so very much and that I'm always here for you<33333

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