"What's it like to be human?" Pt. 1

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Do I dare use the silly gacha app because im too lazy to explain what they all look like? Yes, yes, I do :)


This story will be about bench trio! Why? Because I miss them all :(

Anyways! Let's just get straight to the point!

Tws!- Swearing, brief kidnapping???, Sassy Ranboo (sorta, but most certainly in pt. 2 >:D)

Please let me know if I missed any! :D

3rd person POV
Tommy and Tubbo were walking on the beach late at night. The moon was out, the stars were shining, and the water calmed.

"I'm telling you, Tommy! Mermaids are real!" Tubbo said, voice full of excitement.

"Sure, Tubbo, suuurree..what makes you believe that mermaids are real? Hm? Did you read it in some sort of book or something?" Tommy asked, putting his hands in his pockets, rolling his eyes.

"As a matter of fact, I did read it in a book!" Tubbo smiled, placing his hands on his hip proudly.

Tommy rolled his eyes once more before saying "Mermaids arn't fucking real you idiot." Tommy chuckled.

This time, Tubbo rolled his eyes. "And how would you know, smart guy?"

"Literally, only 5% of the ocean has been discovered, and no one has ever mentioned seeing a mermaid."

"Yeah! Only 5% has been explored! Plus, we don't have enough modern technology to go deep underwater where mermaids could be!" Tubbo kicked sand at Tommy.

"What the fuck man?! What was that for?!" Tommy shouted, kicking sand back at Tubbo.

"For not believing in me!" Tubbo laughed.

Both boys continued to kick sand at one another, both of their laughs filling the night air.

After a few minutes, both boys were extremely tired, so they decided to wash up in the ocean, still giggling at each other.

Both boys still having their swim trunks on, they sat down in the water, looking up at the stars as they sparkle brightly.

Minutes passed by, both boys in complete silence. The only noise to be heard was some crickets, late night birds, and the sound of the oceans waves.

Tubbo looked at the ocean, swearing that he saw a tail, sort of like a dolphins.

"Did you see that, Tom's?" Tubbo asked, looking over at the other.

"No? What was it?" Tommy looked at his best friend.

"I saw a tail, sort of like a dolphins. But I don't think dolphins come close to land."

"Ehhh...I'm sure you're just seeing things, Tubbs." Tommy chuckled.

"You're right. It's just my imagination," Tubbos sighed.

As if on cure, two pairs of hands grabbed Tubbos's legs, pulling him into the water.

"TOMMY!!" Tubbo screamed, digging his fingernails into the sand.

"TUBBO?!" Tommy immediately gripped onto Tubbo's arms, using all his strength, pulling him from the water, but the thing ir person was stronger.

Tubbo continues to scream out, terrified. He looked back behind him and saw a human like creature.

"I'VE GOT YOU TUBBOS!" Tommy screamed out, still tugging on Tubbos' arms.

After a few more seconds of basically playing tug of war, the creature managed to pull Tubbo into the water, using one hand, the other hand grabbing Tommy's leg, causing him to slip and fall onto the sand, being dragged into the ocean as well.

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