Step by step

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Hello!! :D

I finally got a request from someone! I'm super happy about that!

I wanna write what others wanna read and hear their thoughts and opinions!

Requested by!- Dark_ic3

Tws!- Cursing, rude comments, crying, and a bit of self harm?????

Let me know If I missed any!

Enjoy! :D
Philza POV
It was a beautiful day in OrginSMP. I'm glad about that..yesterday Ranboo had been acting off.

We've all tried to help them as much as possible, but yet nothing seemed to work.

Due to their actions, everyone had decided to distance themselves from them.

Tommy decided to stay in his house the whole day.
Tubbo had decided to go around the map and collect flowers.
Scott decided to stay in his hideout as well.
Techno's out farming carrots far away.

As me and Sneeg were flying around I saw someone sitting by the river that was far from home.

"Hey Sneeg? Who's that down there?" I said looking at the small man on my shoulder.

"Um..I don't know, let's go see!" He said with excitement.

I chuckled at my friend and swooped down to the ground. As we got closer..

It was Ranboo.

'What are they doing by the river?!' I thought to myself.

I quickly ran over to them hanging onto Sneeg.

They had their crown off, their jewelry off, their cape off, their hair fully down, and with their boots and socks lying down on the ground next to them.

As we got closer I saw them put their feet in the water. Sizzling could be heard from the water and painful grunts coming from the teen.

I ran as quick as I could.

As I reached them, I put my arms under theirs and lifted them out and away of the water.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I shouted, running infront of them to look directly at them. Not in the eyes, but cloes enough.

"P-Phil..?" They said weakly, eyes shot open.

They had heavy under eye bags under their eyes. Streaks of scars down their face. Their lips dried and cracked, their once soft darken skin now looking rough and oiley.

The thought of losing them ran though my mind like a race.

I couldn't bare to see them like this.. I hugged them as tightly as I could.

They didn't hug back.

I let go and looked at their face, a look of confusion stared back.

I felt tears well up in my eyes, so I hugged them once more.

"Why..?" Was all I said as I let go and held their hands tightly into mine. I folded my wings up carefully.

Sneeg still sat on my shoulder silently.

"I-..I'm Phill...I-I just thought that p-pain would solve all of my pr-problems..may-maybe I'd be less selfish..less anxious..not so l-loud. Maybe I-id become more like you a-all.. So very perfect, someone people likes! Someone who is not so anxious! Someone not selfish at all! Someone who remembers their friends and family or even what they did an hour ago!"

I stared at them, my eyes wide in shock and disbelief as they continued the list of what they wanna be.

They continued "I'm sorry Phil and Sneeg. I shouldn't be dumping my problems on you.." They put their head down, staring at the ground.

"No no! Please..continue." I lift his chin back up to make him look at me. I held his rough dry hands into my hands.

"Back at my actual enderman, we weren't really taught manners or politeness at all. All we were worried about was being attacked again by humans. Sure, we were all pretty intelligent..but that was for making weapons and stuff, but not for kindness."

Their hands began to shake and tears weld up in their once bright green and red eyes.

I sat next to Ranboo and pulled them closely. I spread out one of my wings and held it around us both.

I wrapped my arm around their shoulder and softly began to speak.

"Hey..its completely okay mate. I had to teach Techno how to be social and stuff. If you want me help, I would be more then happy to." I said gently as they leaned into my side.

Their elf like ears went down into a calming position. Their tail swaying side to side slowly.

Sneeg jumped off my shoulder and onto Ran's hair, gently putting it into a small braid on the top of their head.

They leaned into me more snuggled up against my side. Soft little sniffles could be heard from the young teen.

We watched the sunset for the rest of the afternoon. Ranboo had eventually fell asleep quite a bit ago.

Sneeg had gone home about an hour ago.

I smiled gently at the sleeping child in my lap calmly, curled up in a ball his tail wrapped around their small waist.

Couple months later
3rd person POV
Phil and Sneeg have been helping Ranboo to learn kindness and practice it with others.

Ranboo's been getting better and better by the day. Sometimes they still struggle with their past that causes them to forget everything they've learned.

But Phil and Sneeg have been there every second to help them throughout the way.

Sometimes you gotta go though

Step by step

Hello!! I told you that I would post soon! :D

Ik this was mainly Phil's POV, but it was still about the king Boober :)

The reason why I haven't been uploading is because of school, stress, homework, and lack of motivation :(

I'm so sorry for leaving you all hanging without a chapter. I'm trying to work back my motivation to write some more chapters for you all! :D

If you have any requests please do comment them! I genuinely did have fun writing this chapter!

I hope you enjoyed!!

Love you all!!

Word count: 1007
-Published: 10/24/22
-updated ?/??/??
-Ace <3

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