secretly famous (pt. 4)

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I had a request from someone who wanted another part to this little mini series!

So thank you!

Tws!- Eating disorders, and mentions of abuse

Let me know if I missed any!

I sighed. "I'm sorry, I-..I'm just kinda mad at that kid who pushed him." I put my hands to my face sliding down the wall as well.

"It's alright..I understand. Milo's been one of my best friends since elementary." He sighed before continuing.

"He's..had a pretty rough life with school and other stuff..ever since I figured out what he was going though.. I knew that I had to protect him in a way." He said looking down fiddling with his fingers.

"Yeah, me too.." I smiled


Techno POV
We had been sitting here for at least an hour or two. I had learned that the guys name was Clay but, he perfers Dream.

We knew that Milos injuries were bad but..not this bad. I sighed heavily just wishing that someone would come on out and talk to us about what's going on.

Another hour had pasted and all of Milo's and Dream's team mates had came in and waited with us. Some of the other team came in just to check in.

Then we finally heard the door open, me and Dream jumped up, everyone's head popped up quickly, some running over.

The nurse cleared her throat and spoke "Mr Milo has so major injuries here some even from years ago, and some from today. He had some broken ribs..I don't think that a simple push would have caused it though." She said before continuing.

"There's quite a few bruises..even on places that he wouldn't have slid on.. good news is that there's only a few scratches that aren't that deep and shouldn't get infected. Just needs to be rapped up" She smiled but frowned again and continued.

"The thing that I'm mainly worried about is his weight, for his age and height he should at least be 197Ib to 205 but it says that he only weights about.." She looked at her clipboard, squinting.

I felt my heart race and I was getting impatient.

"He weighs 124..that's clearly not healthy. Maybe it's because he's so active is sports or it could possibly be an eating disorder..I'm hoping that it's the first one. He's awake so if you wanna go in there and visit you definitely can." She smiled gently and went over to corner.

Me, Dream, and Purpled ran into the room and spotted Milo immediately, he had some crackers on in front of him. He just stared at it, not even looking up or moving a muscle.

"M..Milo..?" Purpled said walking up to him slowly.

Milo looked at him, his eyes were wide and he looked like he was on the verge of tears.

Dream immediately ran over and crouched down next to him holding both of Milo's hands.

"Hey..hey..what's going on? Are you okay?!" Dream asked concerned.

"Dad's gonna kill me." He said blankly still eyes wide.

My eyes widened but I just stood there, the pain in my chest was a pain that I couldn't explain.

"He's gonna kill me! H..he's gonna hit me again and again and again! He's gonna keep me in a chamber and torture me! I..i..I can't keep doing this! I..I.. I can't!" He shouted, shaking violently.

Dream pulled him into a tight hug. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. I couldn't hold back anymore.

I ran over to him and hugged him. I ran my fingers through his soft but tangled hair.

"You'll be okay kid, I promise I'll never let that man touch you again or hurt you in any sort of way possible you just tell me if anything happens alright?" I said in a comforting voice.

I was shocked with myself, I had never been that kind to anyone in my life..not even to Tommy, Wilbur, Dadza, or Mumza.

He just nodded and snuggled into my side, some tears still falling.

After a few hours Milo had fallen asleep. I looked outside the window and saw the sun setting.

Everyone had left to finish the game, it turns out that our team had won the game. So that was exciting news to tell the kid when he wakes.

I smiled softly, I continued to run my hands through his hair gently. I even made a few braids along the way.

My eyes soon started to feel heavy, I had been here for at least 10 hours. But, I need to make sure that the kid stays okay.

The one thing that really confused me is that he's sleeping with a mask and glasses..

He could suffocate in the mask..

He stay asleep forever because if how dark the glasses are!

"Hey,'s okay, you can take off the mask glasses. If he's letting you get near him and even play with his hair, then you're all clear." Dream said softly on the other bed.

"You sure? I..i.. just don't wanna invade his privacy." I said, my voice low as to not wake the kid.

"Yes, I'm sure. He might freak out a little tomorrow but, once he sees who's he with..he'll be just fine." Dream said, I could hear him smiling.

"Alright" I took off his glasses and mask and set them to the side.

The moon was shining in the window that was to the side of us. So I was able to see him just a bit.

He honestly wasn't all the bad looking


I smiled and relaxed my eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep..
Pt. 4 done!! I honestly wasn't going to finish this little series, but I had a request that I did!

I only wrote this in like 2 two days I think! That's a personal record :D

I feel like this is honestly pretty good :) I'm proud of this one :D

I also feel like this is mainly a 3rd person POV lmao. (Until the end)


Let's hope that 2023 is the year everyone has been waiting for :]

Love you all!!
Word count: 1058
-Published: 1/1/23
-updated ?/??/??
-Ace <3

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