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Jimin's House
Jimin's POV

Right now I was currently still in my bed with Jordan because we both just didn't want to move. "We got to get up Jimin." he said to me. "Don't want too." I said to him as I was laying on his chest.

"Come on get up." he said to me. And even though I didn't want to I knew I had to since the kids would wake up soon. "Damn you look good." he said to me and then I realized I was still naked from last night.

"Your such a kid." I said to him as I was walking in the bathroom with him following me. "Jordan you threw the condom away right I don't want Essence finding it somewhere." I said to him as I was washing my face. "What condom?" he asked me.

"The condom we used last night when we had sex." I said to him. "I didn't use a condom." he said to me. "So your telling me you were fucking me without a condom on?" I asked him. "Yeah." he said to me nonchalantly.

"Go and buy me a Plan B now." I said to him. "For what we can have another baby." he said to me as he was rubbing my stomach. "No we can not I just had Axtyn I'm not about to have another baby now go and get me a Plan B." I said to him.

"Fine." he said to me as he walked out the bathroom to get dressed and then leaving. "Fucking dumbass." I said to myself. So then I took me a shower and everything and got dressed in something comfortable because I wasn't leaving the house today.

After I got dressed I went to check on the kids. When I got to Essence's room she was still sleeping so I just let her sleep since she hasn't been getting much sleep because Axtyn is crying at night a lot. So then I went to  Axtyn's room and he was laying in his crib wide awake putting his hands in his mouth.

"You know because of you your sister is tired and is still sleeping from all the crying you did last night." I said to him as I picked him up making him start smiling. "So you think that's funny." I said to him as he started laughing.

So then I just laid him back down and started changing his diaper and everything. "Alright your all good so let's get you fed but today your feeding from a bottle not mommies breast." I said to him so then I made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

"Jimin here's that plan b." Jordan said to me as he gave me the box. "Thank you and next time put on a condom unless I want another kid." I said to him as I gave him Axtyn so I can take the pill. "Essence isn't up?" he asked me.

"She's still sleeping so I left her alone." I said to him after I took the pill. And then Axtyn started crying. "He's hungry I haven't fed him yet." I said to Jordan as I went in the refrigerator and got him a bottle. "Come on baby let's fed you." I said to Axtyn as I took him from Jordan going to the living room.

"I thought you were still breastfeeding him?" Jordan asked me as we sat down in the living room. "I just wanted to try and get him to fed from a bottle today." I said to him as I tried to give Axtyn the bottle.

"Come on Axtyn eat it's the same thing just in a bottle." I said to him as he kept crying. "MOMMY!" I heard Essence yell my name. "Here Jordan try and get him to eat while I check on Essence." I said to him as I gave him Axtyn and then I went upstairs to Essence.

"What's the matter?" I asked her. "Nothing." she said to me as she rubbed her eye very hard. "Stop rubbing your eye so hard." I said to her as I pulled her hand away from her face. "You've got to be kidding me." I said to myself.

Because after I moved her hand I noticed that her eye was pink. "Come on baby." I said to her so then we went to my bathroom so I can put some eye drops in her eye. "Open your eye." I said to her. "Alright so don't rub your eye at all today and if it starts to bother you then tell me." I said to her.

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