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The Next Week
Jimin's POV

So my week has been very stressful since that video of me and Jordan got out thanks to Jax. Like me and Jordan's managers are pissed off that they want us to do a press conference about literally everything which is stupid but we have no choice but to do it.

But right now I'm currently laying out the kids outfits because today is the day that I will take them to meet Jaeyong and his family which I really don't want to do. "Mommy." Essence said to me. "Yes baby?" I asked her. "Where are we going?" she asked me.

"We are going to meet some of mommies other family." I said to her. "Who?" she asked me and that when I realized that I never told her about Jaeyong. "Okay let's have a little talk so mommy found out that he has a another dad and this man is my real dad." I said to her and she looked at me confused.

"What about papa?" she asked me. "So papa isn't mommies real dad the guy you are going to meet is and you are also going to meet my other siblings that I have." I said to her. "What if they not like Essence?" she asked me. "They are going to love you because you are the sweetest girl I know and anybody would love you." I said to her.

"Promise?" she asked me. "I promise now let's get you dressed and do your hair." I said to her. "You want your hair down or up?" I asked her. "Down." she said to me so then I put some curls in her a hair but not a lot. "Alright now I have to get your brother dressed okay so just watch tv until I get him and me dressed." I said to her.

And so then I went to Axtyn's room to see if he was up. "Hey momma's baby." I said to him since he was up and he started laughing and clapping. "Your so happy today so let's get you fed and dressed." I said to him. So then I started breastfeeding him.

"I really don't want to take you and your sister to meet Jaeyong and his family but I can't keep y'all from knowing that side just because I don't want to know them." I said to Axtyn as he was looking at me. "And then your dad is getting on my nerves because he keeps calling every five seconds to see if I'm alright which I'm not but I'm not telling him that." I said to him.

"Let's get you dressed now." I said to him because it was getting sad that I was telling him my life problems. So after I burped him I started changing his diaper and getting him dressed. "Looks like I have to do your hair a bit now seeing that your curls are coming in." I said to him.

So then I got a small comb and ran it under some water and combed through his curls. "Alright time for me to get dressed." I said to myself. So then I carried Axtyn with me to my room and laid him on the bed with the tv playing. As I was getting dressed my phone started ringing and it was Jordan calling me.

"Yes Jordan." I said to him as I answered the phone. "Where you about to go?" he asked me as he was watching me change clothes. "To take the kids to meet Jaeyong and his family and stop being weird watching me change." I said to him.

"No one said you had to change while we are on FaceTime but I like the view though." he said to me seeing as I was only in a bra and pants. "Still doesn't mean you have to watch." I said to him as I was looking for one of my makeup brushes.

"But has your manager called you anymore yet because mine has been on my ass trying to give me dumb rules to follow." he said to me. "Jane has been trying to get me to stay in the house until the press conference but I told her no because I have a life and I have to leave my house for things." I said to him.

"I don't want to do that press conference either to be honest but they already got a date and everything for it and announced it to the media." he said to me and I rolled my eyes. "They realize we are adults like yes I get it a video of me and you at your house got but it's not like it was a sex tape just us making out really." I said to him.

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