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Day Of The Fashion Show (Morning)
Jimin's POV

"Are you fucking serious I ask you to do one thing and you mess up how?" I asked the venue person. "Look we will have all this stuff put up before tonight we promise." the owner said to me. So basically when I came here my whole set up for the show wasn't even ready yet like they haven't even started.

"I'm telling you if my show is a disaster because of you I'm coming for your ass." I said to him as I walked off and my assistant came up to me. "Yes Mel?" I asked her. "Okay so the models should be here in 3 hours and the same goes for the hairstylist and the makeup artist." Mel said to me.

"At least one thing is going right now is that all." I said to her. "No your husband called and told me to tell you to call him back when you get a chance." she said to me as she gave me my phone. "Okay thanks Mel and you can go and do whatever you want until the fashion show just be back when the models are here." I said to her.

"Thank you Jimin and just call me if you need me to come back earlier." she said to me and then she walked off. So then I called Jordan back. "Hey you called me." I said to him when he answered the phone. "Yeah I'm just checking on you so how's everything going." he said to me.

"Horrible because they haven't even set the place up yet and so they claim it will be ready by tonight." I said to him. "Don't stress you just got to trust that it's going to be done." he said to me. "I don't like trusting people when it comes to my fashion shows or anything business wise." I said to him.

"But you trust me business wise." he said to me. "That's because your my husband and I know you won't fuck me over." I said to him. "Your right but have you talked to Essence?" he asked me. "Yes she was telling me about how Jayla was going to straighten her hair so she was very happy when I talked to her." I said to him. "That's good but let me call you back later." he said to me.

"Okay love you." I said to him. "Love you too." he said to me and then he hung up. After he hung up I went to to go and make sure that we at least had everything for tonight because I didn't want to stress about that.

"Good at least one where they will be getting ready at is set up." I said to myself so then all I had to worry about was my set up to be ready. "Excuse me Mrs Tucker there's a Korean man saying he wants to see you." a worker said to me. "What's their name?" I asked him.

"He told me not to tell you." he said to me and I said okay. So then I just thought it was Jay because he does this alot so then I went to go and find. "Jay did you tell him not to give me your name?" I asked who I thought was Jay until I looked up.

"Hi Jimin." he said to me. "Leave." I said to him. "Jimin can we talk?" he asked me. "What is there to talk about Jaeyong?" I asked him. "I'm still your elder so you need to respect me." he said to me. "So you want me to respect you when I just found out your my father?" I asked him.

"Jimin please let's talk about this." he said to me. "Fine talk." I said to him. "Look I know that your upset because neither me or your mother told you the truth but we thought it would was good because we wanted to hide it from the media."he said to me.

"So you both lied to me so that you both can keep your reputation upheld on the media well I thinks that's just some bullshit." I said to him. "Jimin please you have to believe me but it's the truth." he said to me. "I don't care because at the end of the day I don't have to talk to you so leave now." I said to him.

"Please let's start over because I want to get to know you as my son." he said to me. "Well your kind of late for that don't you think." I said to him. "Jimin please and plus I want you to meet your other siblings also because I want to and they also want to meet Essence and Jordan." he said to me.

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