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Two Days Later
Jimin's POV

It's been two days since I've last seen and spoke to Jordan and to make matters worse today is our anniversary. So I was going to spend the day with Essence after I leave work but my sister said no because I'm too depressed to be around my daughter apparently. So she told me to spend the day by myself and cry and do whatever I need to in order to get better.

"Mrs Tucker you have a visitor." My assistant Mark said to me. "Just send them up." I said to him. "Hey bestie." Conan said to me as he came in my office. "Hey Conan." I said to him as he sat down in front of me. "So how are you holding up?" he asked me.

"I'm doing fine." I said to him. "There's no way your doing fine I mean I wouldn't be fine if my husband left again after an argument and especially finding out he got a DNA test on my daughter behind my back." he said to me. "I don't want to talk about it." I said to him.

"Yeah you don't want to but you need too because your about to cry right now and me personally I don't like seeing you cry." he said to me. "I'm not fine because I just want Jordan back home because I miss him and yes I know I fucked up like I shouldn't have told him I don't trust him but at the moment it was the truth and what hurts more is that." I said to him and I stopped.

"No finish what you were about to say." Conan said to me. "It's nothing but how are things with you and Amir?" I asked him. "Things are going good but don't change the subject so what were you about to say?" he said to me and I knew it was best for me to tell him because he wasn't going to drop it.

"I think I'm pregnant." I said to him. "Jimin that's a serious thing so what are you going to do?" he asked me. "I said that I think I'm pregnant it's just that I've been throwing up a lot but it might be because of stress really." I said to him. "Yeah no so I'll be back." he said to me so then he got up and left.

"Conan can be so weird sometimes." I said to myself. So then I called Jordan because even though he doesn't want to talk to me I still at least want to tell him happy anniversary. "Hello?" he said as he answered. "Um hey I know you don't want to talk but I was just calling to tell you happy anniversary." I said to him. "Thanks and happy anniversary too." he said to me and then it got quiet.

"Look Jordan I'm sorry for the things that got said it's just I guess I was mad and wanted to make you upset." I said to him. "It's fine I'm kinda over it to be honest and really I was wrong mostly especially with doing that DNA test on Essence so tonight at 8 I'm picking you up so we can do something that I had planned for our anniversary and back some clothes and a bathing suit and just saying it's should be a two piece." he said to me and I smiled a bit but he couldn't see it.

"Okay so I'll see you at 8." I said to him. "Alright see you later." he said to me and then we hung up. "Why are you smiling so hard?" Conan asked me as he walked back in my office. "Conan you weren't even gone ten minutes how are you back so fast?" I asked him. "I was speeding but here take this." he said to me as he gave me a pregnancy test.

"Fine I'll take it." I said to him so then I went to the bathroom to take the test and then came back out with it and waited but until then me and Conan kept talking. "So why were you smiling so hard?" he asked me. "Well I talked to Jordan and he said that he's picking me up tonight so we can do something special for our anniversary." I said to him. "I'm glad to see you happy but don't let him think you forgive him so easily so basically don't have sex with him." he said to me.

"See Conan me and Jordan usually have sex a lot during a week so if he gets some then he gets some because I'm not about to suffer too like I'm tried of using my own fingers when they can be replaced with his dick." I said to him. "I get we are besties but some things we don't need to tell each other." he said to me while laughing.

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