better friend?

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Nick POV

after school I decided to go and talk with Clay since he hasn't been in school for two days now.

I knock on Clays front door and wait for it to get opened. It took them a few seconds, but drista opened the door.

"Nick?" she looks confused at me "is clay home?" I ask "no- he told us that he's staying over at your place?" she comes out and closes the door behind her.


"yes, that's why I've come here. He still didn't come." I lie "still? he went out of the house at three, now it's- six." she says.

"I mean back- he still didn't come back. he said he was going to get something." I say "okay- then I better be going!" I quickly say before I walk away.

where could he have gone dude..

I pull my phone out to call Clay. I look around me while the phone rings, but none picks up.
I look at my phone, hoping that he'll text me, but he doesn't.

so the only thing i could do.. is check his location.

I walk into the club, while the music is louder than usual. I dare a look to the strippers, but Clays not there.

I walk a little further and see him sitting at the table, watching other people. I make my way over to him and sit down.

he looks confused and angry at me.
"the hell you want." he looks away "i came to apologise." i say "i don't wanna hear it."

"I'm sorry for not thinking." I apologise "i told you that I don't want to hear it." he looks angrily at me.

"come on.. i came to apologise." i say "you don't mean it. how do i know that you mean it?" he tries to play my moves.

"I am really sorry, i was being a bad friend, but from now on I'll be a good one.. i promise." i try to look at him, but he turns his head away.

"i don't care."

It stays quiet between us for a few minutes.

"the hit on Arthur wasn't that bad." i laugh a little "why did you pull me away then?" he asks annoyed "so you don't get in trouble."

"wow-" he ironically smiles.

"look clay. I also talked to George and he said that he'll leave you alone now, since Arthur and him are a thing now." I tell him.

his head quickly turns around.

"what..?" he asks with wide eyes "George won't bother you anymore-" I say confused. "no- Arthur and George.. they are a thing now?" he asks "uh- yeah?"


"when will you come back to school?" I ask "tomorrow." he answers. "I'm really sorry Clay." I apologise again "it's fine now.. let's just go home." he says as he gets up.


I open the front door and run straight up to my room where I find Karl laying on my bed. "oh- you're back." he smiles "yes, I'm back."

"how did it go?" he asks while I get into comfortable cloths "i think it went good- he said that it's fine before we left the club." I tell Karl.


"yeah, i also told him about Arthur and George." I say and hop into bed before I lay my hands around his waist.

"how did he react?" Karl asks "pretty normal.. he was a little shocked but yeah." i say while Karl pulls the blanket over us.

"come here kitten." he says as he puts his arm around my neck "dude-" i laugh and Karl giggles before kissing my cheek.

I look into his eyes.

"you're so pretty." i say "you are." he smiles as he gets red. I squeeze his cheek "how can you be so cute-?"

he giggles.

"lets go to sleep now." he says as he cuddles himself into me. "good night, love you." I kiss his head "night, love you too." he says.

To my dear abhorment //dnf Where stories live. Discover now