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Clay POV

I walk into school with Ira and see a bunch of people on one spot. I look at Ira, but she keeps staring at them.

we walk over there only to see Arthur and George in the middle. "are you guys a couple now?" I hear someone ask "we heard you guys hooked up last night!"

I look at George's face and it immediately tells me that he's feeling hella uncomfortable. I look at Arthur that's smiling and trying to explain things, but people don't listen.

"guys!" George suddenly shouts and everyone slowly shuts up "thanks-" Arthur laughs "so between us was nothing, I don't know where you got that idea from." he laughs.


Arthur looks into my eyes and tells me to shut up. I look confused at him. "we went into a room- but only to talk." he lies with a smile on his face.

I take Ira's hand and was about to leave, but she removes my hand and goes even closer.
"so between you guys is nothing?" she asks, Arthur smirks "there's nothing. we're just friends." he smiles.

the bell rings and everyone makes their ways to class.


I walk around when I suddenly hear Arthur's voice. "what do you even like about Clay?! he's an asshole and only hurts you." he says, I hide behind the wall and watch them.

"I don't's just- the way he walks, the way he talks, the way he makes me feel inside! the way he smiles and his eyes!" he says, not looking at Arthur. 

my heart beats fast.

"everyone around me disappears when I look at him.. my world gets quiet and the only thing I see is Clay." he gets red.

"everything bruns when i just look at his face.."

"yeah.. but he talks like a piece of shit-" Arthur says "not to others." he looks up to Arthur "he only talks like that to me, but when you hear him talk to others.."

"I don't understand you." Arthur sighs "when he hates you so much, and says all those disgusting things.. how can you love a person like that?"

"you think I know the answer of that?" George ironically laughs. "alright.. then go back to Karl and Nick, I have to talk to someone." Arthur smiles at George before he walks away.


I quickly walk away and continue to look for Ira. but I just can't find her anywhere, so i make my way to that one class room.


I slowly open the door and what I saw next.. destroyed me.

Arthur and Ira kissing.

her hands are on his cheeks and his hands are on her waist.. both of their eyes are closed and Ira is blushing.

"what the fuck!" I shout, both of them quickly move away from each other. "C-clay! It's not how it looks like-" she comes closer.

"what is wrong with you!?" I shout "clay-" she says. I look over to Arthur that's fucking smirking.

I quickly walk over to him and grab Arthur by his shirt. "Clay!" Ira tries to move us away, but I push her away.

"you bitch!" i shout "who do you think you are!" i was about to hit him, but someone stops me.

I push the person away and my fist lands directly in Arthur's face. "wow- it's not my fault that your girl wants me." he says with a smirk.

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