a dream?

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Clay POV

I can't believe that it really happened..
i mean- i would've never thought that I would be in love with George.

with George Green!

I slowly walk the stairs up, with a sandwich and two coffee's in my hand.
I open the door to George's room, thinking that he's still sleeping, but no..

he's breathing very loudly, while some tears roll down his cheek and he holds his shirt.
"George?" I walk over to him before placing the things down.

"you alright?" I slowly pull him into a hug and feel how his breathing is irregular. "hey, George- hey-" I make him look into my eyes.

"fuck.." he whispers.

he very slowly starts to calms down, but his eyes stay on mine.

"you alright?" I ask again, he nods, "you sure?"
"I just- oh god." he hides his face in his hands "i thought it was all a dream." i hear his voice breaking again while trying to laugh it off.

my heart hurts.

"it wasn't a dream." i kiss his head "i know.. but when I woke up, i thought it all starts again." he tells me.

"I thought you left me." he whispers very quietly.

"I'm not leaving you, George." i take his hand into mine and pull it up to my lips, before kissing George's hand.

He looks up to me and I lay my hands on his cheeks. I pull him closer before laying my lips on his.

I feel so safe with him.
God I never had this feeling of safeness.

we break the kiss and look into each other's eyes. "you feeling better?" I ask "mhm." he makes.

I lay both of us down and stare at the ceiling.

"I love you." I hear George from the side.
"I love you more." I kiss his forehead.

a happy ending! 🥳
I still need some new ideas! (For new Story's ofc)

To my dear abhorment //dnf Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora