new friends

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"Today we'll go to Hamburg with the train. we will be sitting in the train for about three hours." mr Taylor says.

"when we arrive we'll look around, if we have enough time. we have a Reservation at the Dialogue House, i think it was at 1pm." he tells us.

"what is that?" Lia asks, "it's fun. you guys will go in two teams and will be blind for about an hour. There's a tour guide that helps you guys to get through that." he smiles.

That sounds really nice.

"how many people will be going together?" I ask, "eleven in each group." he tells me, "but there will be many rooms, not just one." he smiles.

alright, that sounds nice.

"who's in which group?" Clay asks, "I'll let you guys at the train station." he says before he starts to walk off, getting followed by us.


"alright- group two has free time until 2pm, group one will go now inside." mr Taylor says.
The group two starts to go away and group one goes inside.

We wait fifteen minutes, until our tour guide comes.

"Alright, I'm Maik and I'll be going with you through this." he smiles. "everyone of you get a Bild Stick and we'll be going through six rooms without seeing anything." Maik tells us.

"you guys can talk and feel things, nothing else. you have to talk with your classmates, to know where you are." he looks at us.

"Then come on in. everyone, please take a blind stick." he says and everyone does.
We slowly go in and it's already dark- I can't see a thing, nothing- it's just black.

"okay, now we'll be going into the first room, it's the outside world. we're not really outside, but you guys know what i mean." he laughs.

"alright, everyone follow my voice!" he says as he starts to walk and everyone else does.

"I want you guys to feel and hear where you're going." he says and i slowly start to feel around me.

"Is that- a bike?" I say confused "yes, that's a bike right there." he says and i can hear the smile in his voice.

"careful- we're going over a small bridge now, and it's wobbly." he says. i slowly to try make my way to him, but I'm stuck?

I feel around with my stick and everywhere i go is something where i can't go through. I try to feel with my hands, but it's just air.

"guys.. i think I'm stuck somewhere!" I say "oh- looks like someone got into the circle." he laughs.

"I also need some help!" I hear Lia across the room, "okay, I'll first help the girl then the boy, okay?"

"alright!" i say.

I feel around myself again, very slowly, but there's really everything build up.
Suddenly i feel a chest- "George?" I hear Clays voice "is that you?"

"yeah, it's me." i say.

"give me your hand." he says "what- no!" i say.
"i'm trying to help, okay?" he says before i slowly take his hand.

"alright, lift your foot-" he says, and I do. "now place it down and do the exact thing with the other foot." he says.

and i do.

I think i'm on some stone.

after not so long, i got out of the circle.
"no wonder something like that would happen to you." he laughs as he keeps holding my hand.

To my dear abhorment //dnf Where stories live. Discover now