Blitzø x daughter reader x husk

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Requested by:HuskerRadioDust

Warnings: mentioned abuse pretty much it.

I choose you

Y/n's pov
"Come on y/n, I'm sure Blitzø loves you." I scoffed, "please, save it. If he cared about me he would be there for all my concerts. But he isn't." Loona sighed and laid her head on my lap. "Watch if I ask him to go to your concerts he'll say yes!" I frowned. The only ones who cares about me we're Millie and Moxxie and loona. But dad treated me like I was a mistake. "Loona sweety! I got something for yooou!" dad came in holding a new phone for Loona. Now I wasn't jealous, I just wished he treated me like he treats loona, like a daughter. "Hey Blitzø." loona took the phone and chucked it to the side "Can you go to y/n's concert? I'm busy." dad frowned and crossed his arms. "Why?" I frowned and pushed Loona to the side gently "because I'm your daughter! Your supposed to be there for me when I need you! Isn't that why you should come? To support me?" dad waved me off "oh, please. Stop being stupid. Now loona, here's your phone." stupid, right. I turned around and left my room. I grabbed my phone that Stolas got for me, put on my sweater and shoes. And left with the money I made, "I hope you have a good life Loona." I muttered gently and left the apartment building. The outside was filled with random sinners roaming the streets, my tail twitched slightly, as I passed overlords and hellborns. My phone rang, I pulled it out. It was Millie and Moxxie, I shook my head and turned it off.

Millie's pov
I frowned as the call declined. "Mox, what do you think happened to n/n?" he sighed, his brows furrowed. "Well, she probably left. Blitzø doesn't take care of her. He neglected her, she would've been better off with us." I frowned "he never, cared about her?" mox nodded "yeah I overheard their conversation he called her stupid an-" I pushed past Moxxie and stomped towards his office and banged on his door "Blitzø! You better open this fucking door!" the door opened, Blitzø stared at me confused "what have I done to invoke your wrath?" I snatched him By his horns and pulled him down to my level "what did you say to n/n? That's she's stupid?! How long have you been neglecting her?!" Blitzø scoffed and yanked his horns away "please, she's fine. Besides I never even wanted her." I stared at him as he closed the door in my face.
I growled "just you watch Blitzø, your gonna need help someday and guess what. She won't wanna help you." I turned and left the door with indents.

Husk's pov
I watched a small imp that looked no older than twelve turn her phone off, her brows furrowed together. A little baggy filled with some change and bills fell out of her pocket, she walked off. I picked the small baggy up and walked towards her, now getting a better look at her She was really small, her horns were black and her hair was black with some white spots in it. I tapped her shoulder gently "excuse me little lady. You dropped this." she turned around, her eyes were red. I placed the baggy in her hands "um, thanks I guess." she turned around and left, I walked up next to her "soo, what is a teen like you doing out here without your mother or father?" she looked up at me, eyes narrowed. "My mother's dead and my father is an asshole with no heart." she put some space between us, "besides why do you care old man? Your probably a pervert." I scoffed. "I ain't no pervert." her tail twitched. In a lot of ways she was like me, passive aggressive trying to keep others at bay in order to keep yourself from getting hurt. "What's your father like?" I looked down at her. She sighed "an asshole. He neglected me, he abused me. He would beat me with his tail or his hands. He gave me a black before." I shuffled closer to her, "that sounds awful." she shrugged. "It what it is." I hummed softly. "What if... I could take you somewhere you'd be safe from the world?" she rolled her eyes "you can run from your problems for only so long before they catch up to you. And like that saying, My father will catch up to me." I frowned. "You'd be safer with me you know. You and me, we're more alike than you think." she hummed, "fine. I'll come with you." my ears perked up and I smiled "good. I'd hate to see you harmed." I nudged her towards the hotel.

It's been three years since I adopted y/n, and she's opened up quiet a bit toward the others. Alastor abousoulty loves y/n and treats her like she's his. Angel dust and cherri bomb drag y/n into bombing valentino's studio almost every chance they get. Vaggie and Charlie coddle and smother y/n in affection and love. "Stay still." I grumbled out as I rasped my tongue across y/n's hair. "Dad, your tongue hurts how do you expect me not to move." she squirmed "well, I wouldn't have to groom your hair if you Angel dust stopped playing with bombs. Your hair is covered in soot and whatever this gunk is." I spat out a large slimey black glob. "Cherri made new bombs that consisted of this black tar." she said as she played with my claws. The door slammed opened, "y/n! There you are! I missed you soo much!" she flinched and leaned back into me as her tail lashed around. I looked at the door. It was an imp with large horns, a hellhound. And two smaller imps. "This is where you've been?" the taller imp walked towards y/n. "What do you want Blitzø." Blitzø crossed his arms "I came to bring you back home." she shook her head "I am home." she stood up and walked towards him "your only here because Millie and Moxxie probably gave you trouble." I sighed, it was good while it lasted "y/n, you can go if you want." I said my ears drooping. I turned around and left towards the bar. "Come on y/n we're going."

Y/n's pov
Blitzø dragged me out of the building. "No, No. I'm staying. Your not my dad." I stated bluntly, I pulled my hand away from him, "you said I had a choice before when mother was alive that I could live with who ever I wanted. And I choose husk." he stared at me as I ran back into the hotel. I leapt into husk's arms. His body jolted. "I'm staying." I nuzzled into his chest as he wrapped his wings around me purring.


Husk's pov
I watched as y/n tuned her guitar and began strumming it
"🎵 all of my life, I thought I was right. Looking for something new, stuck in my ways like old-fashioned days. But all the roads led me to you🎵" she continued strumming the guitar as Charlie and Vaggie smiled "🎵the house that you live in don't make it a home. But feeling lonely don't mean your alone people in life, they will come and they'll leave. But if I had a choice I know where I would be🎵" alastor smiled and sipped his coffee. "🎵through the lows and the highs, I will stay by your side. There's no need for goodbyes, now I'm seeing the light when the sky turns to gray and there's nothing to say at the end of the day, I choose you🎵" I smiled and drank the glass of water I had. "🎵Now I found the strength to make a change and look at the magic I found no matter the name or where you came from 'cause no one has much figured out🎵" angel dust awwed as he held the annoying piglet that wouldn't stop crawling on my lap "🎵the house that you live in don't make it a home but feeling lonely don't mean your alone I finally found where I feel I belong and I know you'll be there with wide open arms🎵" mimzy smiled and hummed "🎵through the lows and the highs, I will stay by your side There's no need for goodbyes, now I'm seeing the light when the sky turns to gray and there's nothing to say at the end of the day, I choose you🎵" y/n smiled at me "🎵I choose you🎵" the two smaller imps took a picture of y/n smiling "🎵through the lows and the highs, I will stay by your side There's no need for goodbyes, now I'm seeing the light🎵" Loona smiled as Blitzø sat down next to her "🎵through the lows and the highs, I will stay by your side There's no need for goodbyes, now I'm seeing the light when the sky turns to gray and there's nothing to say at the end of the day, I choose you oh, I choose you🎵" niffty giggled "🎵I choose you🎵" the crowd clapped and cheered as she finished singing.
I smiled at her as she waved sheepishly towards loona and Millie and Moxxie who were cheering and throwing a whole bouquet of flowers at her.

Word count 1618.
Hope you enjoyed it and I'm almost done your moxxie request.

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