Alastor x male reader

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Requested by:HuskerRadioDust

I found you

Alastor's pov
"Al, hun. Do you have the bag?" I nodded "of course!" I pulled out a black garbage bag and held it opened for him, we were behind husk's bar currently stuffing a body into our garbage bag. Y/n cut the arms and legs off, splattering blood onto his pants. He tossed the limbs into the bag, along with the body. "Okay guys you need...too...oh fuck me" I turned and seen husk covering his eyes, face pale. "My friend! Could you possibly help us" he groaned and came up to us, grabbing whatever remained of the body chucking it into the bag. "Could you guys have picked a different night to have killed someone? Do you have any idea how hard it is getting blood out of clothes and off the concrete sidewalk?" y/n rolled his eyes "quit complaining and just help me" husk shot a nasty glare at y/n who returned the favor by sending a cold look husk's way. I sighed "I'll get the bleach" I turned and left leaving the two together. Husk's pov I watched Alastor leave, it was quiet, despite y/n's grunts and the bag being tied up. "Here" I turned around only to be hit in the face with a cloth covered in blood, I pulled it off my face "gee, thanks for throwing it at me" "No problem, I'll do it again too if you want" I snarled at him, wiping the blood off of my hands. Sure I hated al, but I never hated him more than ever after his wedding, he had called me to be his best man. And I went only because there would be beer, but my attitude had changed immediately upon seeing y/n, he was tall with broad shoulders and soft e/c(eye color) and h/c(hair color). The bad part of this was, this man was al's husband. I had never been more jealous of al in my entire life, I remembered when al made a promise that even in death they wouldn't part ever it was annoying, and not only that but y/n had be coming to the bar I worked at for a couple of years, I tried giving y/n hints that I liked him, and wanted to go out with him. But he's super dense, and when did get he told me he was already dating somebody. "...hey! Are you listening? I just asked if you were okay" i nodded, it's been a while since al left, maybe asking for just a tiny kiss wouldn't hurt now would it? What al doesn't know won't hurt him, "hey, y/n. Could I...uh...kiss you?" he froze, as if his brain wasn't working staring right behind me, "what are you lookin' at?" the sound of a throat clearing out sounded behind "husker! My dearest friend! What did you just ask my husband for?" oh shit, al's hand clamped down on my shoulder harshly, "al, hun. Don't let's just go home" his fingers begin digging into the flesh of my shoulder before releasing me entirely. Brushing past me and latching onto y/n's arm. Alastor's pov I latched onto y/n's arm walking away from the bar, it was quiet and peaceful. "Al...if you think there's something going on between me and husk there isn't" I shook my head, "it's just...nevermind let's just enjoy the walk, you got the bag right?" he nodded and gesture to his right hand. "Yeah it's all right here hun" he wraps his free hand around my waist, humming a cheery tune. I say nothing and look up at the sky, the stars are bright and vary from blue to white and some a light subtle pink. The moon was full and bright and the sounds of crows grew loud as we neared our usual spot to cook the meat and discard what we don't eat to the crows, y/n stopped and looked behind us "what's wrong love?" He continued to look around "I swear I just heard someone" I shook my head a playful smile on my face "it's probably just a deer, or a mutt" He sighed "you're right, it's probably a deer or a stray dog" we continued down the dirt path, I intertwined our fingers together, "al--ugh!" "y/n dear what the matter?" I turned around to see y/n's throat impaled with a knife, blood pouring from the wound and his mouth I panicked and grasped onto his upper arms as he collapsed staggering breaths leaving past his lips, I didn't know what to do or say. I wanted to call for help, I wanted the person who did this dead. Torn limb from limb, I wanted the person to be alive as I took his insides out. I wanted them to scream and cry for mercy. "A-al--" I placed my finger over his lips, shushing him as tears dropped down my cheeks and onto his face, it was too late. We were to deep in the woods and I didn't want to move him cause that could make it worse, I didn't want to leave him either cause of the wolves, they would tear him to shreds. "Y/n?" I placed his neck at an angle, that way it wouldn't push deeper into his throat, "I'm sorry" his eyes were lifeless, the crows surrounded us cawing but didn't come close. Watching with they're small black eyes, I pulled y/n's body close to mine, feeling the warmth leave slowly, I don't know how long I stayed before finally leaving. I carried his body back home leaving my dinner in a bag, the sun was rising and everbody was coming out get they're mail. Y/n's mother was the first to see, then husk, then everybody. My eyes were puffy and red and all mimzy did was try to get me to date her. "C'mon al~ please" I shoved her away gruffle, "just. Stop" husk was devasted, he thought I didn't know about his feelings for y/n, his little advancements on him. It left a sour taste in my mouth, knowing husk was trying to get with my husband, sure I knew he hated me, but right now I need some comfort, I didn't want to go the funeral so I went to the bar and downed six bottles of booze, drunk, sad and depressed I left towards the woods dragging the person who had killed my beloved husband, they were begging for forgiveness, mercy, HA poor thing, do they know I don't have a heart to forgive them of all people, and I was going to make sure they die a slow painfull death. I enjoyed every bit of it, cutting they're limbs off slowly starting with they're ears then fingers and so on. They had stopped crying a looooong time ago. I had feed the pieces of tanted meat to the birds and mutts, then a searing pain started at the base of my foot, sharp teeth dug into my ankle, then more latched onto my legs, I stumbled over my own feet, then feel onto my back getting a good look at the beasts, they were wolves, big hungry wolves. And before I knew it, I was being torn to shreds, drowning in my own blood. And I knew I would be seeing y/n vary soon...[present day] I knocked on the door, waiting with a smile on my face. Its been 30 something years since I last saw y/n, the door opened jolting me from thought, there stood a young demon fox that looked strangely like y/n, the ears and tail the same color of y/n's hair. But I ignored it, "hello! May I come in?" he nodded "of course" he sounded just like him, "Y/n?! What are you doing?! Get away from him!" a gray moth pulled him back, y/n. I sounded the name on my tongue and he looked my way, his e/c(eye color) staring at me, I shuddered slightly under his gaze and turned around to face an overly happy demon bouncing up and down introducing herself, I only payed attention a little bit my eyes landing on y/n, who was sitting besides a very touchy spider who was nuzzling his head into y/n's shoulder as he tried to touch his lower area, I felt oddly threatened by the act, the audacity to touch what was his! How dare he, but it might just be my brain trying to fill that spot with this demon, " why are you here?" I smiled not taking my eyes off of him "why I'm here to help!" she nodded "what's your name?" I smiled and turned to her "the names alastor! But my friends and late beloved called me al!" she smiled and shook my hand, welcoming me to the odd group, currently I was watching y/n talk to husk, "you know I missed you right y/n? I was so worried i would never see you again" he nodded "yeah, I'm glad to see you too husk" he leaned over the counter as y/n wiped it down, "y'know, I wouldn't mind getting to know you, a little more personally~" I narrowed my eyes as husk dragged his tongue across y/n's cheek, putting loudly. Y/n moved away slightly, "I'm not ready for that husk" he turned and left towards his room i couldn't help but follow him to his room, he opened his door and closed it slightly, I peeked in and saw a scar that lingered over his throat, as he changed shirts, he opened his dresser and something glitted brightly. It looked like a ring, the song we each wore from then on after our wedding, it was him! I teleported behind him and scooped him up into my arms and spun him around "it's you! It's really you! My love!" I pulled him into my chest happily nuzzling him, he chuckled "took you long enough" I smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead "I finally found you my love"

I meant to publish this yesterday night but fell asleep, hope you enjoyed it and I couldn't help but add some husk x male reader in it.

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