Angel dust x reader x alastor

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Requested by: HuskerRadioDust

We love you

Y/n's pov " know y/n you sh-" the door slammed open " Bitch!" "why you little sh-" a blur of red and pink-ish white came tumbling in, small pieces of fabric flew onto the ground, me and husk watched as the blur moved around for a few moments then stopped "...guys?" the both of them moved apart from each other, both of them scuffed up and covered in blood, ever since I came here all they've done is fight and yell at each other, but they've always played it off as "bonding" or just ruff-housing. "Y/n! What are you doing here? I thought you were hanging out with that Cyclops girl, the one with the bombs" "oh! You mean cherri bomb? She told me Angel dust wanted to tell me something" Angel dust stepped forward, fixing his hair back and puffing his fluffy chest out, "yeah, actually. How about we go check out the hotels garden while I tell you, it's private" I nodded and stood up and walked towards the exit. Angel dust's pov "eat shit you strawberry pimp!" I stuck my tongue out and ran after y/n leaving al standing in the lobby, nose dripping blood, and a forced grin. The only way this situation could get worse is if mimzy came and threw herself at him....ah, if only. I followed her through the door and into the luscious garden filled with colourful plants and flowers. "Sooo" She drawled "what is it you wanted to tell me?" I hummed fixing my chest fluff, "well, y/n. We've known each other for five years and been the best of friends-" a huge plant that I thought was normal opened its eye, it's leafy like mouth opening up and growing, "...well, shit!" the plant lurched its head at us, jaws snapping open, we both jumped to the side, landing in a vary spikey bush, the surrounding area had red symbols floating around the plants and a pair of red radio like eyes stared at me from in the shadows. Oh you fuckin' little Bitch. I grabbed y/n and pulled her into the bushes deeper, scraping both of us, "well, well, do you need some help Angel dust?" Alastor appeared in front of us, smiling maliciously at me. "No I'm perfectly fi-" but it was too late, by the time I said the words I was Teleported to my room, "AAAAAALASTOR!" alastor's pov I smiled as I took Angel dust's spot next to y/n, "al, where did Angel dust go?" "oh, don't worry dear. I sent him to his room!" She nodded, if he thought he could win that easily he is sorely mistaken. "So, my dear! How about we go out for tea mm, just the two of us!" "uh, sure..." I smiled "splendid!" with a snap of my fingers we were in my office, the lights were dimmed down and the table was set. I pulled a chair out for her, "thank you al" I smiled and took my own seat across from her, "sooo, y/n. Dear do you have a significant other in your life?" she takes a sip of her tea "no, but I like these two people. But, they just can't seem to get along and I don't know if they feel the same" I hummed my stomach churning, "well, would you perhaps tell me who it is? Just curious is all" she took a breath "it's-" the door slammed open and I was tackled to the ground "you fuckin' bitch!" angel dust's eyes were red, I continued to smile. "Is that any way-" before I could say anything Angel has socked me in my mouth, "guys!" y/n stood up and tried to pull Angel dust off of me, I chuckled and moved her away gently with my tentacles, and threw Angel dust off of me. "Don't. Test me Angel" he wiped the blood that was dribbling down his chin, then he did the unthinkable, he spat at me! Of all people, I wiped the spit off my face and raised my hand, tentacles coming out of the ground, "NoW yOu DoNE It!" he brought his extra arms out that were conveniently holding loaded guns. Husk came in "ay, Vaggie said to shut the FUCK UP AND GROW A PAIR OF BALLS! AND JUST TELL HER ALREADY" he then turned and left, all of us were quiet until y/n broke the ice "sooo, you guys finally gonna tell me why you're fighting?" me and Angel dust sigh, "we were fighting because..." I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly "...we both like you, I wanted to be the one to confess first but Angel dust over here interrupted me" he scoffed and crossed his arms "well, I say we're even. This is what you get for ruining my confession at the garden" I turned to him gritting my teeth, " like me?" I turned to her nodding my head, cheeks feeling oddly warm, "why yes! What's not to like about you! You're funny, charming" Angel dust pipped in "kind, and loving" I sighed "and I guess my dear, we both wanted you for ourselves only" Angel looked at me "...but" I nodded knowing what he was thinking, I came up to him "we'll both share you. That is, if you'll have the both of us" we both turn to y/n, who's face is a bright pink "aw, guys" she came up and cupped both of our cheeks, lovingly stroking our now bright pink faces "I like you too" she leaned up and pecked both of our cheeks, "how about I treat third wounds and after that we can cuddle" we both nodded fast and scurried off to y/n's room, bumping into husk, who grumbled. We both walked into her room and sat down on the bed, y/n came in holding some sewing needles and some white stuff you wrap around wounds. She got to work, me and Angel dust wincing every now and then. "...aaaand done!" she stood up, putting the stuff on the ground. We both pulled her onto the bed and into our arms, planting and smothering her in kisses. She sighed and snuggled up to our chest, falling asleep, "we love you"

Aaaaaaand done! I'm sooo proud of myself for making a good one-shot, hope it was to your liking.

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