I don't know how I feel about him just yet but for now, I can definitely say he's one of the good guys.

And I don't need to be afraid of him.

Present Mic was about to wrap up the last lesson for the day.

I finished my notes and looked at him. "Good job today listener, make sure to go over those math problems with Shota tonight. We'll go over them tomorrow."

I nodded and closed the notebook. "Thanks, I will." The door opened and Eraserhead walked in. "Hi, Shota!" Present Mic practically rushed over to greet him.

They started whispering to each other, I couldn't hear much of what they were saying but I did hear Eraserhead say 'not to act that way around the students' to which Present Mic just nodded with a smile.

They're weird.

Once they stopped talking Eraserhead looked over at me. "You ready?" I quickly stood up and made sure to take my notebook with me before walking over to both of them.

Eraserhead opened the door for us to leave but we couldn't because a swarm of students were blocking the door.

I don't think they expected to see Eraserhead there because once they did they backed away with scared looks on their faces.

Were they scared of Eraserhead? I wonder what he has done to them.

"Same thing as this morning." He said to me. I knew what he meant by that and I kept my eyes on the floor. I tried not to draw too much attention to myself even though all the attention was already on me.

As we walked the students moved aside to let us through. I could feel their eyes on me as we did, I'm not sure how I felt about it but I didn't feel good.

I felt like every pair of eyes was a different judgment and I couldn't tell if they were good or bad. Which made my stomach form a similar pit like the one had this morning.

But just for a moment, I let my eyes stray away from the ground and let them wander around the crowded hallway.

Immediately my eyes locked with another pair, one pair of fiery red eyes.

They were...beautiful.

Once we made it to the car Eraserhead told me to get in while he talked to Present Mic some more.

I got in and just sat there staring out through the windshield. Those eyes still lingered in my head, I couldn't help it.

Even though it was just for a moment that moment felt like an eternity. And once they were out of my sight I looked back down at the ground, unable to think about anything else.

It didn't feel like they were judging me at me, it felt like they were trying to answer the questions they had just by looking at me.

That made me feel a whole lot better than everyone else's eyes because it felt like they wanted to know me, not anything I've done, just me.

The door opened and made me get out of my head. Eraserhead started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

It was quiet, I would usually do most of the talking but today I just wanted to keep thinking about those eyes. I think Eraserhead noticed my behavior because he spoke.

"Why are you so quiet?" I looked over at him. "Just thinking." He flickered his eyes over at me for a second. "About what?" I wanted to tell him to mind his business but I was too tired.

I just shrugged. "How I can't wait to sleep." He nodded in agreement with that. "You can sleep after you eat and finish those math problems Mic gave you."

Damn, he knows about that. I mentally groaned. It was only the first day and my brain already hurts.

I sat at the dinner table doing my math problems while Eraserhead sat across from me doing some work stuff.

I heard my stomach grumble and I quickly looked to see if Eraserhead heard that, he didn't. I mentally told my stomach to be quiet but its response was to grumble louder.


Eraserhead looked up at me and rolled his eyes. "You can just say that you're hungry." I continued writing inside the notebook. "We don't have any food. You didn't go grocery shopping today."

I heard him sigh. "I forgot, and how did you know I needed to go grocery shopping today?" I looked up with a blank face and pointed. "It was written on the fridge."

His face was priceless. "Then why didn't you remind me?" He crossed his arms at me. "You already wrote it down I thought you would have just remembered after that." What do I look like, a secretary?

Just before we could argue some more the doorbell rang. He got up and went to answer the door, I went back to writing out my math problems.

"Hey listener!" I dropped my pencil and quickly turned around in my seat. Present Mic there taking off his shoes and placing them right next to Eraserheads.

I squinted my eyes at him. "What are you doing here?" I asked him, he smiled brightly at me. "Just wanted to visit!"

I don't believe that.

Eraserhead came back into the room and placed something large on the table. It was covered in tin foil so I couldn't see what it was. "What's that?"

It smelled good. "I decided to make some food for y'all, I figured Shota forgot about grocery shopping today!" Eraserhead looked at him confused. "How did you know I had to go grocery shopping?"

He gave him a black stare and pointed. "You wrote it on your fridge." I laughed in my hand as Eraserheads eyes widen. "How did- never mind just sit down already."

Present mic smiled as he grabbed the chair that was to the left of me. He moved it over so he was closer to Eraserhead.

Before I could comment on it Eraserhead placed a plate in front of us and forks. He took off the tin foil on the pan and I saw it was mac and cheese.

Not exactly what I had in mind for dinner but it smells so good so I won't complain.

After Present Mic scooped some on our plates we began to eat. Right as I took that first bite I looked at Eraserhead. "You know you could take some cooking lessons from him."

He looked offended by that. "What are you talking about? My food is fine." Present Mic and I gave him this look telling him it wasn't.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He continued eating as did we. It felt weird having a third person here but overall it wasn't bad.

It was kinda nice.

1663 Words

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Y/n saw Bakugo!!! Can't wait until they actually meet🤭

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