Chapter 006 - Discussions

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Several of UA's teachers were in the middle of a meeting with Nezu while inside the principal's office. The first day of the school year had finished and they were getting an update from the hybrid animal on many important topics. From the events they were planning to host, the special guest appearances from certain pro heroes and more.

Right now they were getting an update on the dorms. "...and the new security system is everything that we hoped for and more. It's coming along beautifully," finished Nezu with a smile.

All of the teachers there smiled, glad to hear the news. "That's good. That's one less thing we have to worry about," remarked Hizashi.

"How was the warp user discovered?" asked Nemuri.

"By complete accident!" answered Nezu cheerily, making all of the teachers there frown. Before they could ask, he explained. "A citizen's door security camera barely caught a glimpse of a swirling black mass near the local police station several weeks ago. And then shortly afterwards, the station had experienced a power outage and when the system came back online, several of their prisoners were gone without a trace."

"Yeah, that's not a coincidence," remarked Midnight.

Many agreed with her, whether vocally or by nodding their heads. "Exactly my thoughts. And that is why we decided to upgrade the dorms' security systems first against such unwanted appearances before the other buildings. We don't want our students vulnerable while resting," stated Nezu and he turned to look at Power Loader. "Speaking of which, how are they coming along Higari?"

"Everything is going well for the most part," answered Higari and Nezu raised his eyebrows, making him let out a sigh. "I would've been done by tonight but one of my first year students decided that one of her inventions didn't have enough personality and gave it too much power and it exploded. I'm still cleaning up and repairing the main support classroom," he revealed and he received sympathetic looks along with some chuckles from his fellow teachers. "I just have a few more tests to run and it'll be done by Wednesday evening."

Nezu remained silent for a moment. "I would've preferred it to be done by tonight but since the students haven't moved in yet, that's alright. I would like to join you during the tests, so please let me know when you do so," he requested and Power Loader nodded. "Well, since one of our new students was brought up, how are the first years? What impressions do we have of them so far?" asked Nezu.

"There's some who definitely caught my eye. They might even be a great snack," remarked Nemuri with a lick of her lips.

"Down girl!" joked Hizashi while the rest gave her exasperated looks, but she merely smirked.

"Moving on from Midnight's insatiable...and questionable appetite..." started Higari.


Nemuri's outburst was ignored as Higari continued. "...most of my students show promise. But there is one who could rival even me. Perhaps even surpass me," he said, making them all become surprised at this bit of news. "If only she would just slow down a bit, then she wouldn't make so many trivial mistakes that end up causing her experiments to explode..."

"Ah, so it's the enthusiastic one then?" asked Nezu and Power Loader gave a reluctant nod. "Hmm, interesting. Then again, all geniuses tend to have some...quirks...about them." His statement made his staff groan at his joke but he still chuckled. "Well, perhaps if we give her an important assignment she might be willing to give more care to it and not rush it so much. What's the student's name?"

"Mei Hatsume."

Nezu pulled up her profile on his computer, which also appeared on the large screen behind him so his staff could see her profile as well. An image of a young, short, curvy woman that had pink dreadlock hair and green yellow cross like eyes was shown on the screen. Nezu quickly scanned through her profile, quickly reading the old school notes. "Hmm, I see. High grades and with a very eccentric personality. Yes, I think that'll be the best course for her." Turning to his support course teacher, he spoke. "Power Loader, inform Miss Hatsume that if she behaves and doesn't cause anymore disruptions in class for the rest of the week, then we'll give her an important assignment sooner than planned."

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