Chapter 013 - Third Day of UA

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So this is it, huh? I can't wait until it all turns to dust. But first, I need to send a message.

Looking at the UA entrance with disdain, a pale skinned young man felt disgust and anger swirling around inside of him. For a long time he's been waiting for his chance to show the truth about the so called heroes that society had put on pedestals.

Taken in at a young age by his Sensei, he learned quickly that the current society was a farce. Most heroes were only in it for the fame, money and glory. Very few walked down those difficult paths just for the sake of helping others. That people only cared about you if you were strong and had something to offer. He learned that himself when he was but a child in a very traumatic way. He had lost everything and everyone else ignored him when he needed help while out on the streets. When his Sensei, who found him and took him in, solidified that lesson since he too said it was so, it changed him. It was on that day when he was reborn, shedding his old name and donning the new name he was given by his Sensei; Tomura Shigaraki.

From then, Tomura did his best to learn everything he could from his Sensei that ranged from tactics to physical training so he can become overpowered or 'OP' like the main characters in his videogames. It took him time however, since much of his Sensei's teachings were more hands off and more giving cryptic clues or subtle nudges in the right direction. Even so, Tomura did his best to prepare. And he was never discouraged in trying something or pursuing something. Whether it was practicing his quirk, playing videogames, using his gamer lingo to better understand things or finding things that he wanted to destroy because he disliked it. Everything he wanted to do, he was encouraged to do so.

Throughout the years he kept on training and becoming stronger. Or grinding and gaining levels as he would say while he practiced his quirk and his abilities. Though he was nowhere near the amount of power and abilities that his Sensei had, he was still a force to be reckoned with due to his deadly quirk, skill and blinding speed thanks to his slender physic. All of this was so he can one day declare his debut and show everyone how the world really works.

After so long and many preparations, it was finally the right time. Tomura was given a mission by his Sensei. He was to gather as many villains, thugs and criminals as he could to join him. Even though he viewed them as non-player characters or NPCs for short, he knew that they were needed for their plan to be successful. They would be his grunts and cannon fodder that he would use to tire out his enemies and then use the secret weapon of theirs to beat the boss of the level and win the game.

And there was one final part to that mission that he needed to complete without fail. It was a crucial objective that had to be done first otherwise the next part of their plans would be harder to implement.

Now, how am I supposed to get in there without triggering the next part of the level too soon?

Tomura's wonderings were cut short when several vans rolled into view from his position in the alleyway. Seeing the different news channel names on them, he then saw several news reporters and their camera personnel exit the vehicles. They grouped up together in front of the UA entrance but didn't go through. He watched for a little while longer and witnessed them harassing a few of the students by asking them questions about All Might as they tried to enter the university grounds. One of them tried to follow after a student but then the UA barrier activated. An alarm sounded and a steel wall quickly rose up from the ground to block the entrance that scared the reporter. She jumped back in shock while a few of the reporters around her chuckled and made some comments. However, they all stated that they wouldn't leave until they were able to see and talk with All Might.

Tomura's thin dried lips spread into a creepy smile as a plan formed in his head after witnessing all of that. Reaching for his sweater's hoodie, he put it on over his light blue short hair and retreated back into the darkness of the alley. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a flip phone and brought it to his ear after dialing a number. It only rang once before the other person answered. "Kurogiri, I found a way to get in. Get over here." Without waiting for a reply, he hung up the phone and put it away as a swirling black mass suddenly appeared in front of him...

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