Chapter 004 - Class 1A

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At long last, he was finally here, the place where his legend will begin. After wasting so much time with unnecessary bullshit, he was able to leave that all behind and take the next step towards his goal of becoming the number one hero. And so, the spiky-blonde haired teenager entered the world renowned UA grounds through the entrance gate and moved towards his class.

Making his way through the grounds and then the building, he took in his surroundings while heading towards his class. Taking in every inch of the place, he noticed how clean and pristine everything looked. It was even like this during the exams. Even the simple walls and flooring had their own grand vibe coming off them. A smirk formed on his face as he took it all in. Of course it's like this. There's no where better for my legend to begin!

A short while later he reached his destination, which was a two story tall door that was labeled '1A'. Not even hesitating the slightest, he grabbed the handle and flung open the door before entering it. Upon doing so, he noticed how the room was just a regular classroom, with many student desks lined up in neat rows facing towards the teacher's podium, desk and the whiteboard behind it.

"Tch. Of course." A little disappointed in how...normal...everything looked in the classroom when outside the room everything looked so sublime, he made his way towards the last row and sat in the middle seat. Placing his backpack on the floor, he glanced at his watch and saw that he was about ten minutes early before his first class in his hero school would begin. Deciding to just relax and do as he pleased till then, he leaned back against his chair, crossed his arms, lifted his legs and placed them on top of the desk. Comfortable this way, he let his mind wander.

He thought of who his homeroom teacher would be. He thought of what kind of classmates he would have. Not so he could be friends with them but if they could be useful for him to use as stepping stones to reach higher in the pursuit of reaching his goals. He thought of many other things during his wait for class to begin.

And the last thing he thought was about the entrance exam and his acceptance letter, which also made him remember something that made him growl. Fuckin Deku! I don't know how the hell he passed and got the same score as me. And when the hell did he grow the balls to stand up to me like that! Freaking a month ago and it still pisses me off! Fuckin... He shook in fury over that, unable to believe that the worthless and quirkless loser somehow not only passed the exams, but also tied with him for first place in both the writing portion and the practical. And then he had the gall to stand up to him. I swear, if nothing else, that damn nerd better not be in the same class as me or I swear I'll blow him the fuck up! There's no fuckin way that piece of shit was able to get in and get as high a score as me without cheating in some way!

Fuming over thinking that, he quickly controlled himself and let it go for the moment as he started hearing multiple people talking outside the room. Whatever...I'll deal with that loser if need be. For now, I need to make sure that everyone knows that I am the best and run this class. Just like always. Letting go of that for now, he composed himself while still in his same state of lounging. He looked towards the door when it opened.

Multiple people walked in at once while chatting amongst themselves, not noticing the already seated blonde who evaluated the new arrivals. A girl with pink hair and skin with black and yellow eyes...Pinky? Nah, too easy...Raccoon Eyes! There we go. And the guy she's talking some messed up red hair. Shitty Hair! And let's see, a girl with some weird ass ears...Ear Lobes? We'll come back to that. And this fucker's got some weird ass elbows with holes in them? What am I supposed to call this fuck? Eh, I'll figure it out I guess. Who's next...damn, he's a tall piece of shit. Why is he wearing a mask? Wait, fuck that, he's got four arms? Heh, let's see him catch some explosions with those. And he's talking to a floating shirt...that has a nice pair of tits...of course, an invisible girl. What's next, a girl with some sort of innuendo quirk?

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