Chapter 019 - Night of Reflections

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Besides Izuku Midoriya and one other person, the rest of the students from classes 1A and 1B were allowed to go home after they got checkups from the EMTs that arrived at the USJ and gave their statements to the detectives. Recovery Girl, after healing everyone who could be healed at once, left to go to the hospital for the ones who were more severely injured. Before they left, they were informed that they had the rest of the week off and that they'd come back to UA on Monday. Understanding the need for that and welcoming the extra time for it, none of the students disagreed.

But many of their families and relatives were different matters as they complained about what happened and the lack of security at UA when they came to pick up the students. Nezu let them know that he was going to do a full investigation and would inform them of the results. Nezu also promised that security upgrades will be worked on and they'll be implemented immediately. Satisfied with that at the moment, they left things at that. The ones who weren't picked up by family, most were escorted home by one of the police officers as requested by Principal Nezu and Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi.

When they got home, almost all of the students felt glad to be with their family and felt better. They shared what happened to them and what they witnessed. Understandably, their family members felt multiple different things. From fear and anger to relief and gratitude that their loved ones are alright in the end. And most decided to let things go for the moment so the UA students could calm down and relax a little.

However, in multiple families and households, things didn't go so smoothly...


"I can't believe this!"

"Honey, please..."

"UA's supposed to be one of the most secure places in the nation!"

"It's not their fault and..."

"How could they just let villains invade?!"

"They'll let us know what happened."

"My precious baby was almost killed! I don't care what it was!"

"I'm angry too but this doesn't help with anything, dear."

A growl was let loose from the middle aged man and he was about to continue his frustrated rant.

"Enough already damn it!"

But then his daughter cut in and told them to stop. Both husband and wife snapped their attention onto their daughter with startled expressions and she continued. "It wasn't anyone's fault alright?! The villains planned things out and they had a warp user! We had no idea! But everything worked out thanks to the teachers, All Might and Midoriya! I'm safe and sound at home so stop being angry! Especially when he...he..."

She couldn't continue. Her breath hitched before taking in stuttering breaths as her eyes filled up with water and let loose tears. She started crying again and hunched over with her face in her hands while seated on the couch.

"Oh honey!"


Mika and Kyotoku hurried to their daughter and hugged her from either side as they joined her on the couch. Doing their best to comfort their daughter, both parents remained silent as Kyoka cried. After sometime, Kyoka's crying lessened and she started sniffling while still in their embrace.

"Kyoka...honey...I know they told us what happened...but I bet that was a heavily summarized version. Do you want to tell us exactly what happened? It might help you feel better," suggested Mika.

About ten seconds passed before Kyoka slowly nodded her head. "It...It was supposed to be...another hero s-soon as we g-got there and went into the central villains appeared and..."

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