Chapter 022 - Kaina Tsutsumi

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Tap...Tap tap...Tap...

Another pointless day here...

Tap...Tap tap...Tap...

How long have I been here, just wasting away?

Tap...Tap tap...Tap...

I guess they were right when they said that I'd start losing my mind in the end. Is this the end? If it is, I'd honestly welcome it at this point...

Continuing with her tapping on the concrete wall with her finger tips, she kept up that action while thinking about her past and everything that happened to her. She'd been stuck in her current position for a long time but had only recently begun doing this action because it was the only thing she could do.

She thought of how lively and excitable she used to be before she turned into a cold and emotionless husk of her former self. Her old dreams that she used to have that made her almost retch over how dumb and naïve she was. The many lives she had taken all in the name of protecting a society who turned their backs on her so easily. How she was led to believe that what she was doing was right but it turned out to be wrong. How devastated she was to learn she was tricked into doing their bidding to hide the crimes they've committed. How it led them to become steadily richer, gain more control and become more powerful. How she was made into their scapegoat when she confronted them and it was all blamed on her.

It was on that day that she lost all hope. The drive she had was brought to a screeching halt. All the goodwill she had built up with the public over years of hard work and it was swept away within hours. The inner demons she was barely holding back over the things she's done all in the name of serving the greater good had taken over her. She was brought to the brink of the abyss and it swallowed her up.

There was no escape for her. None at all. Even when she had dark thoughts of just ending herself and just finishing her pitiful life, she wasn't able to thanks to her cowardice. Filled with anger, hate, hopelessness, sadness and many more negative feelings, all she could do now was to just wallow in despair as the days slowly passed by. Wallow in it while following the same routine every day with no real changes occurring in the last few years. Until she took up this action of tapping the wall while going over everything in her mind in the past few days...

Sudden loud footsteps caught her attention. It made her stop her tapping on the wall and she focused onto that instead of the usual constant negative thoughts in her head. Odd...there's already been a check today...and there's never been a second one since I've been here... Curiosity piqued, which she was surprised that she could even still feel that, made her move. She got off the rough, thin mattress that could barely be called a bed and moved quietly to the metal door for her cell. As she moved, the cameras that were installed in each corner of the room's ceiling followed after her but she ignored their movements.

Leaning her ear against the metal door, she listened to the footsteps. Huh...they sound like...they're getting closer? Wait, they that shuffling sounds? What are they doing now? Wait, what was that sound? I wonder what that is...oh, they're moving again. And they're definitely getting louder...but who are they going for? There's only a few cells here!

She quickly backed away from the door until the back of her legs hit her bed. The sound of a lock being opened was heard before the metal door of her cell slid into the wall. It revealed four heavily armored security personnel standing in the door way. Three of them were holding riot shields and electric batons. The fourth was holding up thick and heavy quirk cancelling metal cuffs.

"Hey, what's this about?" she asked. "I haven't done anything and..."

"Silence, you wretch!" commanded the fourth. "Prisoner 656698! Turn around, place your hands on your head and slowly walk backwards towards us. Failure to comply will result in force being applied!"

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