Chapter 002 - The Path Begins

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Several large green colored robots floated in the air for a while before all of a sudden they came crashing down to the earth. Crushed by their own weight before exploding, none of them were left intact. Their attacker took in several deep breaths and then continued on her way.

That's eight more points. I'm doing well but I gotta keep going! She had been doing pretty well for herself but she pushed herself further. The brown haired girl kept looking around for more robots to destroy so she can add to her total. Passing several other contestants, there were many who were engaged in battle with other robots while several others were looking for their own targets. Knowing there was little point in sticking around this particular area, the brunette decided to head down another street.

It was after traveling a short distance into said street when it seemed the very ground began to shake that caused the girl to stumble about. "What the heck?!" Her shouting was coated with worry and fear, same as others a short distance away from her. Yet no one was able to say anything when multiple buildings collapsed all of a sudden as a gigantic building sized robot rose from beneath the ground. Filling up the entire street, it seemed to dwarf the buildings near it. Each time it swung its massive arms, a building was crushed beneath its power.

Screams of terror filled the make shift city with everyone running away for their lives. No one bothered to take on the behemoth, for it was worth no points in the exam. Even worse, if one did engage it, that action would reset their points back to zero. And the girl was no different. Turning back towards the way she came, the girl started running as fast as she could away from the colossal threat.

But she didn't move quickly enough. Being so close to the destruction the robot was causing put her within range of pieces of rubble from the broken down buildings falling all around her. As a result, a piece of the debris clipped her, causing her to fall to the ground. Shouting in surprise and pain, she attempted to get back up but was prevented from doing so when a far larger piece of rubble fell onto her legs, pinning her down and fracturing her lower leg bones. "Aargh!" Feeling the intense pain, her eyes watered before involuntary tears escaped from her eyes. She struggled with all her might to break free from her trapped position. But each time she tried to move her legs, it seemed as if fire spread up her body, making her whimper as more tears fell down her cheeks.

Mechanical sounds drawing closer made her look towards the direction it was coming from and saw that the towering robot was getting nearer. She could feel the vibrations of its treads digging into the ground. It was so heavy, that dust rose from the ground as it rolled down the street, somewhat hiding it from view. Her heart hammered within her chest and her widened teary eyes stayed glued onto the obscured personification of death coming for her. No, not like this! Mommy! Daddy!

Sounds of hurried footsteps behind her made her turn her gaze towards it. A green haired teenage boy, the same one who she had helped at the entrance to the academy, was running towards her with a serious gaze on his face. "What are you doing?! Run away!" She didn't want him to get hurt because of her. But he ignored her and kept sprinting towards her. Next moment, she could see red glowing veins appear all over his body for a second before they faded only to be replaced with greenish blue electricity arcing all over him for a moment before they too vanished from sight. She was about to say something else when he suddenly shot into the air a short distance away from her.

She gasped in shock, snapping her gaze upwards to where he went with her short brown hair flying all over the place due to the speed at which he shot up with. His speed also blew away the dust in the area, clearing her vision and she was able to get a good view of what he did next. The pinned down girl watched in awe at seeing him travel up into the sky towards the robot's head. And then she heard him shout out when he got close enough to it.

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