Chapter 007 - Promises

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Darkness. That was all he saw everywhere he looked. It was so dark that he couldn't even see himself, having raised his hands in front of him to try and feel if something was ahead of him. Wondering where he was and how he got there, the young man decided to try and find a way out. Taking a few steps forward in the pitch black area with his hands in front, no sound came from his walking. That drew his curiosity but kept his focus on moving forward.

Continuing on in the random direction he chose, he tried to remember what had happened before getting here. He remembered going to several stores to buy things he needed for UA. He remembered several people he met and how he helped them out. He remembered Eri and his fight with the Yakuza leader. But he didn't remember how he got to this particular place and that was getting on his nerves. That and along with his bumbling around in the dark, made him become annoyed and frustrated. What's going on?! Why am I here?! Where is here?! Questions kept popping up, one after the other and he had no answers to any of them. He became so frustrated that he just snapped. "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?!"

As if waiting for him to ask that, a sudden white dot appeared in the far distance in front of him. "What's that?" he asked to no one in particular. Having no other point of reference to follow or choice for that matter, he decided to head towards it. As he traveled closer to it, the white dot was becoming brighter and also growing a little larger. And due to the light being given off, he was able to finally see the outline of his hands in front of him. But something was off. He couldn't tell what exactly just yet, since he was still far from the ball of light but he pushed on.

After closing in more, he was able to see a little more clearly and noticed his hands were transparent. His eyes widening in shock, he came to a sudden stop and stared at his hands. Looking down at himself, he saw that his entire body was also transparent. "W-What's happening t-to me?" he asked out loud to himself. Unable to come up with an answer, he was about to start freaking out when his gaze landed onto the ball of white light once more. That has to be related to this! If I can reach it, maybe everything will be fixed. Decision made, he composed himself and made his way to the light. Moving quicker than before, he hurried to it while somehow hearing the loud beating of his heart in his ears.

When he finally reached the ball of white light and stopped about arms length away from it, he was surprised to see that it was the size of a basketball. "What is this?" he asked again to himself. Moving his still transparent arm to it, he closed in on the light and when he was a few inches away, he stopped.

Hesitating in touching it, he didn't know what it was and what might happen. Taking in a deep breath before exhaling it out, he told himself he had no other choice and followed through with his action. Resting his hand on the white ball of light, he tensed up for a second but then relaxed when nothing happened. All he felt was just pleasant warmth from it. Tilting his head with his hand still on it, he became confused. I thought something would happen if I touched it. What's going on? Am I going crazy or something?

He would've become lost in his thoughts but then the ball of white light pulsed suddenly. Retracting his hand away from it quickly out of instinct, the young man was startled and took a few steps backwards. But then he suddenly stopped moving, with his eyes locked onto what started happening in front of him.

A line of bright white light shot from the ball diagonally upwards a good distance away and it connected to a newly appearing ball of bright blue light. Except this one was much larger than the first. Another line of light, this time colored bright blue, moved from the second ball while also moving diagonally upwards. It connected to a third ball of light that was colored red and this one was several times larger than the second one.

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