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i softly brushed mani's hair into a top bun, her hair has been growing wild--it reaches a little farther than shoulder length.

"where yall going?" kaleek said coming in the living room where me and mani were sitting on the couch.

we recently moved into our new home together and everything isn't settled in yet.

"im taking mani cake testing for her half birthday cake" i said laying her little baby hairs with no harsh gel because she is only 5 months so.

"ohhh yeah i lowkey thought only people did that for weddings and shit" he said coming back from the kitchen with a bag of ruffles.

i shook my head and laughed "a damn shame" i said getting up holding mani on my hip and grabbing her diaper bag and my purse off the couch.

"want me to walk yall out?" kaleek said standing up to his feet.

"yes that would be nice" i said walking to the front door and kaleek opened it.


"this one is cereal milk" the lady said handing me a sample to give mani.


i used the plastic fork and separated a piece of the cake sample. i gave mani the tiny piece and she ate it then she started giggling.

"she must like it then" i said laughing and looking at the lady.

"will that be the one you guys are going with?" she asked.

"yes ma'am- i want cupcakes too with white frosting and crushed up fruit loop cereal on top to represent the cereal milk flavor"




i walked up to the front door after getting food from five guys and noticed a sticky note on my front door.

i furrowed my eyebrows and took the sticky off the door and read it.

watch yo back and yo people back.

in red sharpie...

i shook my head and looked around to see if anyone was around, we lived in the suburbs so how the fuck did they found our house already..

i went inside the house locking the door behind me and putting my food and drink on the coffee table and i sat down on the couch taking my phone out my sweatpants pocket.

i called me and boys groupchat and waited for them to pickup.

"yooo" kai said.

"wgo gangski" tywan said.

yurrr" pierre said.

"aye gang tell me why some la nigga put this shit on my door" i said picking the sticky note with red sharpie on it to them and putting it in the camera.

they all started laughing.

"bro niggas need to quit playin" i mugged opening my food up shaking my head.

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