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i stuffed mani's diaper bag with any and everything she could possibly ever need while im away, it wasn't that i didnt trust kaleek with her i jus didn't want him to have to go out and buy her something i forgot to bring with her

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i stuffed mani's diaper bag with any and everything she could possibly ever need while im away, it wasn't that i didnt trust kaleek with her i jus didn't want him to have to go out and buy her something i forgot to bring with her.

"you ready mama?" i cooed as i turned her swing off and thought about leek.

hmm? picture?

i took my phone out and took a fast picture of mani even know she not exactly a camera person.

leek the freak 😅


my pretty baby

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my pretty baby..

why df u didnt send a picture of both of yall 😒

& bring me some of those cinnamon buns you be making and i kno yu got em


i exited out of our messages leaving him on open, his ass better shut up.

i moved mani from her swing and to her carseat-- just in case they go anywhere

as im strapping up kamani noami started facetiming me.

"yurrrr gg" i said looking at the phone


"what" i said grabbing my airpod case off the sofa and popped them in.

"you been looking at your comments?"

"no..why?" i furrowed my eyebrows as i went on paused and looked at my recent pictures that kaleek took for her when they went out the other day.

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